
Foster Case: Is it right to report this so heartlessly?

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I mean, I realise that it's gripped the public interest, but if this hypothesis is true, then the people she was talking to are well aware of what happened - and have to cope with knowing that their friend was shot WHILST they were talking to her. She was 15, so they are too - what 15 year old needs to be reminded of something like that wherever they turn?

Should the media be reporting this with a little more thought?




  1. It's the media katkat as long as it sells, I don't think they care..... I read that this morning and felt awful and especially for her friends who continue to read this horrifying story.....

  2. If it bleeds it leads.

    Sad but true.

  3. The media report heartlessly because it sells the papers and they don't care a d**n who they upset and trample over so long as they make a profit.

  4. Morally, No they shouldn't, but unfortunately the media really don't care about the feelings of others, only in getting their latest story out. Sky news are the worst for this type of sensationalism. I cannot begin to imagine how her friends must be feeling if it is indeed true that she was talking to them though bebo when she was killed. how horrendous!! how does anyone come to terms with that?

  5. death is part of life, more people need to get used to it. its just the facts, if so, its only a hypothesis if not.  

  6. A little more thought for the Foster family relatives rather than someone on line, who claims to be a friend. Could have never met the girl but met her on facebook or somewhere.

    I feel for the relatives left behind. The grandparents, the aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings of Mr & Mrs Foster, more than anything.

    It's absolutely tragic. No amount of debt is worth what he did.  

  7. Right you are Kat...such callous reporting is heartless. But thats the level journalism today has sunk to...anything that would give the mob a vicarious thrill just has to be reported in all its gory detail... regardless of the grief caused to those involved...& often regardless of the truth either.

  8. I thought it was tactful reporting IMO.

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