
Foster Placement driving us crazy?

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My husband and I just got our foster license a month ago. Since then we have been waiting for a placement. I quit my job to stay home with the child and we are excited to be used by God to love on a child for as long as they need. We finally got a call yesturday for a sibling set of 2 girls, and told to get ready they would be placed today sometime. We were called today to be told the girls would be placed with family friends who are licensed. Which i am so glad for the girls as i know they are going through alot now but my husband and I feel like this is taking forever. How long was it before you had a placement......any advice....Thanks




  1. Be patient.  I'm sure the Lord is preparing just the right children for you, but you have to wait on Him.  In the meantime, find another child-related volunteer program that can use your labor and your love.

    TX Mom

  2. Perhaps expand your age range and be willing to be there for any kids who need fostering, not just a specific age group

    All kids deserve love and stability; not just the little 'uns

  3. Getting a placement depends on the Agency that licensed you.  If you are not happy with this Agency, go to another Agency or go to the State directly.  You can also be open to "emergency"  placements, but this opens you up to taking placements at any hour.....Good luck.

  4. You know, no one can answer that but God himself. It's the same when you are a Waiting Parent for adoption. You wonder why it is taking so long, why a birthmother has not chosen you, if your scrap book needs changed, essentially, is there something "wrong with us"? and the answer is simply.........NO.  "I Believe".........that God has a plan for EVERYONE.........and when I say that, I truly mean it.  When a child is "placed" with you, you will "then"'ll begin to clearly visualize the "connections", reasons, whatever you want to call it.........until then, relax, and just be comfortable that God has chosen you to Foster a child who so desperately "needs" love, and YOU are the lucky one to give it!!!!!

  5. Oh honey remember God works in his time.  Pretty soon you will be going are they ever going to stop calling Me I have ran out of beds!!  We started with one and before we knew it had 5!!  What we would always do is find out the age of the child go out and buy them a toy that was all theirs and set it on the bed they were going to be using!!

    They are coming to a strangers house and are scared!!  It helped.  This way they had something that was theirs in their new place....good luck and god bless.....

  6. I actually work in foster care in my state, so I know exactly what you are talking about. I really don't think god is laughing in your face. You and everyone else out there should be thanking god (or whoever) that there haven't recently been abused and neglected children out there that need placement. That is exactly what I tell my foster parents when they are calling me and crying and begging for placements etc...

    I am not trying to be rude at all....I Just think that foster parents don't get that in order to get a placement, it means that either they were either physically abused, sexually abused, neglected, or the previous foster family decided they didnt want them. ...

    That is part of our job and you will get a lot of phone calls like that...where they have children that need a placement and then call you right back or hours later stating that they found a family member. We are happy when a family member comes into the picture! We also have to conduct concurrent planning, which means...that while we are First looking for a family member or friend...we also have to look for a unrelated foster family as well so that in case family doesn't come forward or a criminal check came back negative, we have another plan for the that they are not spending the night in the office.  I have worked until 2 in the morning looking for a placement for an older child...because of course there are many foster families, like you, that only want an infant.

    If in deed you feel that it is taking forever to satisfy you and your husbands "need to help god"......just think that is One less kid out there NOT being abused or neglected.

  7. I have a lot of friends and family who are foster parents.  They got there first placements between 2 days and 2 months after licensed.  My Aunt got siblings that were 6, 4 and 6 month old twins two days after becoming licensed  .It is now 3 years later and they are still with her.  She has started the adoption process.  We are all hoping for the best.  My friend didn't get her first placement for 2 months.  At first she wanted a newborn - 2 year old.  After a month and a half she had no placement.  Within a week and a half of deciding to take any age that was needing placement she got here first child a 7 year old girl.  She has since had more than 25 in the past 1 1/2 years.  Have you considered accepting any age?  Maybe that would help.  Are you set on such a young child for a particular reason?

  8. You know I think it depends on the area that you live.  I experienced something similar.  Went to the foster care classes, passed all interviews, they gave me my approval certificate and not one child was placed.  I finally got fed up and said the h**l with it.  So the room that was all decorated never got used.  

    They say they need foster care families, but then the system is so screwed up that it doesn't work the way it should a lot of the time.  Unfortunately, it's the kids who gets the short stick.

    My experience I'm sure is the minority, but if I wanted to adopt a child I would just go with international adoption and not deal with foster care adoption.

    I hope they send you a child soon!

  9. I know that you want to help.  However, isn't it a good sign that there aren't children needing to go to foster care?

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