Hi. We are attending our foster-to-adopt child's review board on Thursday. Our child will be attending with us....as they want to see how he is doing/adjusting. He is under 2.
We are NOT seeking to change their decision, as that is pretty much finalized towards TPR. We just want the review board to put a face with the paperwork in front of them,answer questions, etc.
We are a bit nervous b/c the meeting is taking place during his normal nap time. We don't want him to be fussy or irritable...typical 'terrible 2' behavior. Can we bring books or small toys to the meeting, or would that be considered rude. Does he have to sit in our lap, or are these meetings more informal? He would be much happier running circles around the room and making lots of noise...but in our laps, he may come across as unhappy, which we obviously don't want to portray.
This is not a court case. It is held in the DSS/CPS office...with only social workers and CPS management present.
Thanks for advice!