
Foster care adoption and private adoption at the same time. Is this possible?

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My husband and I are foster parents and we are planning on adopting through our foster care agency. However, we really want to adopt an infant as well. We know our chances are slim of getting a baby through foster care that we would eventually be able to adopt. So, here is what I don't know. Are we able to work with more than one adoption agency, one for foster care to adoption and a seperate agency that would be for the infant adoption? We live in Pennsylvania, so if anyone is familiar with adoption regulations here, that would help.

Also, do you think that being foster parents would hurt our chances of being selected by a birth family to adopt thier newborn?




  1. I agree with the other answers that it is typically an agency regulation.  You would need to check with the adoption agency (if you are using one) as well as the foster care program.  I actually know of several people who have adopted infants from the foster care program, so it is not impossible to do so, if that is your concern.  My son was actually a part of the foster care program before his bio-grandparents took custody of him so that we could proceed with a private adoption (agency assisted).  

    In Pennsylvania, we used "Adoptions from the Heart".  You might want to see if they can help you with your question.  They are wonderful people and we highly recommend them.

  2. I think that birth parents could be intimidated by the whole foster care thing & could decrease your chances of being selected.  Most folks have a lot of misconceptions about foster care and foster parenting (I could probably write a book on that topic alone).  You'll be up against those misconceptions & myths.

    I think the foster system also might have some concerns about seeking an infant to adopt while you're an active foster family (they might be thinking, 'what if we put a child into their home & then they adopt an infant and need to (rightly) bond with that infant...the other child will need to have a new placement').  So that's something to consider, too.

    What I'd probably do if I were you is do one and then the other.  Go inactive as foster parents while you're seeking to adopt an infant & don't actively seek an infant adoption while working toward a foster care adoption.

    I hope this all works out beautifully for you!  Adoption creates fantastic families.  We have two biologican children, one foster daughter & two adopted daughters.  They're all awesome kids who we love wholeheartedly.

  3. i don't know if you having a foster kid would be a deterrent to pregnant moms. i wouldn't think there would be an issue with you adopting and fostering at the same time.

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  4. I am not sure but I would think that you could do both.  As for fostering to adopt and infant it is VERY hard to get an infant but not impossible it could however take a very long to do this.  I was a foster parent I am not any longer as my house is full and there is just not enough room right know.  But I did want to just tell you my story figuring it would give you a little hope I became a foster to adopt parent and I actually adopted the first child every placed with me it took me 10 months to get him but he was only a few days old when I got him just out of the hospital his parents signed away there rights they did not want him.  So it is possible just thought I would give you some hope.

    Good Luck!

  5. You are able to adopt through foster care and and agency at the same time.  I do not know how old your foster child is, but many states have rules like "no more than two under two."  Which is sad for us.  

    We have two infants in our home.  We have a 10 month old girl who we finalized her adoption in March and a 7 month old foster baby who we are looking to officially adopt sometime around Christmas.  Both have been with us since birth, and neither one was officially we were essencially working with the foster care system and an agency at the same time.  When our daughter turns 2 we will be signing on with the same adoption agency and still fostering (and adopting, if possible!)

    Good Luck!

  6. It is not a state law, it is an agency policy.  You have to contact the foster agency and ask, and also the adoption agency and ask.

    As far as hurting your chances for adoption, it depends mostly on the attitude of the adoption agency, and luck!  If the adoption agency, and/or social worker views this as either positive or neutral related to adopting, then you are o.k.  Then it is up to birthmothers, who do slightly prefer couples with no children.  But not all!  And whether they will understand the difference between adopting and fostering, is debatable.  My experience is that most people do not understand the difference.  So check this out with your agency as well.

    In your photo book, put in maybe two photos of the baby you foster, and mention it in your letter, but don't dwell on it.  

    Good luck!!

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