
Foster child to be adopted? Bio father registered s*x offender. Do we have any legal rights to not let him go?

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The County the case is in is tough on teminating parental rights. States Attorney says it doesn't look good, to just leave these kids in foster care unless we want them to return home. Bio Parents drugs, violence and registered s*x offender on Bio Father. Three small boys 8, 6, and 3 years old.




  1. No way!! They could be place with a family member. Or they could be adopted by you if they've been in your home. They must have some stability and an action plan to give them that stability.

    As for what you can do, start talking, and showing up. Talk to the workers, talk to the GAL, get informed and quick.

    Most States are heavy and are are pressed to reunite children. However, when it is a proven problem, or addiction where they know the children will not be safe, the children must be given a safe place to live. The parents should have received a parenting plan to complete in order to be compliant. If they have done so, then no there isn't much to do. However, I highly doubt that they would be returned to the s*x offender unless the bio mother had decided to leave him.

    Make those fall calls. Ask what is happening.

  2. and why do you want to steal these kids?  this system sucks and lies to do what it does and make it look okay to do it!  it makes me sick

  3. I don't think we can necessarily help you out here.  The only thing I can say is for you to try to adopt the children.  A registered s*x offender doesn't mean squat unless he was violent, or whatever the case is.  I know in California if you get caught streaking (college mind you) you will be required to register as a s*x offender for teh rest of your life.  Without more information, it makes it a bit difficult to give you any help.  Ask your attorney.

  4. I know this may sound bad, but if he is the bio father and is requesting to have his kids back and is found fit through the state and courts then , it is very sad to say and it is not right, but you have to let him have his kids back or you will be put in jail, I know its wrong and it is unjust for the children to have to go through that, but Justus is blind and until some kid gets molested, hurt, or killed, the courts retain a blind eye to it all.

  5. If the children are being put up for adoption they will automatically terminate the parents right.  no state or county if the do the job right will let a s*x offender have any contact with the children.  but u need to go to a attorney not ask here.  see what they say and if u can financially afford it adopt these boys your self.  if not u may lose these children...

  6. shouldn't this question be directed to your attorney???

  7. :( How sad.

    Are you looking to adopt them and give them a forever home? Or you just want to keep them til someone comes along who wants to adopt? How likely is it that 3 boys will get adopted together? If at all possible, I think you would be doing these kids such a service and be such a huge blessing in their lives to pursue the adoption yourself.

    As far as legalities... I'd talk to a lawyer about this... is there a Children's Advocacy law clinic in your town?

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