
Foster children and adoption?

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For the nice people that anwered my questions - thank you for ansering with your honost opinion, that it wasn't a good idea and maybe I needed some help and was just feeling stressed like all parents but I deleted my questions because other people were just too mean. I just feel sometimes like I am not good enough and most people on here sure know how to make you feel even worse than you felt before asking for help.

Merry Christmas to you all!




  1. just ignore the rude people on here. it happens to me alot on here too because im emo and most people hate emos. it only matters on what you and the close people in ur life think about u, some people are just rude

  2. hey dont be all sad who cares what others say

  3. It sounded like you were just overwhelmed. I really didn't think you were going to give up your children. Like i said before, is there someone you can talk to you? It will probably just help to talk to someone. if you were offended by me answer i'm sorry. As an adoptee sometimes i read questions as the parent is wanting to reject the child and that isn't always the case.

  4. There are 143 million orphaned children who want to be valued as much as a white newborn is valued.  I'm very proud of you for truely valuing life enough to consider adopting and fostering life.

  5. You ARE good enough - and you have to keep telling yourself that for your adopted children's sake.

    You CAN do this.

    Scream out for help from whoever you can get it from.

    Fight to KEEP these children together.

    You got into this for the right reasons. Keep remembering WHY you got into this - to help kids that need it.

    Try not to get overwhelmed by it all - can you find someone to give you some time-out for a while???

    You're doing this on your own - that can't be easy.

    I have 3 kids - it's bloody hard work at times - you are allowed to say that. There are just those that don't want you to give up - and are scared for you and the kids.

    Have you got a support network around you that can help???

    This period WILL pass. The 3rd child is young. As he gets bigger - it won't be so hard.

    You are doing a great job. And you CAN keep going on.

    Shout out for what you need.

    And please take care of yourself - those kids need YOU.


  6. Are you wanting to foster or adopt or do you have one to put up for foster or for adoption? If so what ages?

    Foster homes are good people looking to care for children. They usually have some of their own but want more and can't have more so they take children who for one reason or another need a temporary home. They love and treat the children as their own. If someone is unable to care for their children, it is in the best interest of the child to go into foster care. That is a loving way to insure your child has what they need. It also insures that when you are capable you can get them back and you get visitation with them so it is kind of like being divorced and seeing the kids if you didn't get custody.

    If a person needs to have their children adopted out to insure that they have a good life and a good future, better than the natural parents could afford to give. That is a hard sacrifice and some open adoptions allow for pictures and visitations, to keep a relationship. If the child is very young and you don't do open adoption, the agency will insure that the chid goes to a good home and they are investigated very thourghly and for a year or two afterward he child is checked on to make sure that this was a good match. So many people who can't have their own will give so much love that they make wonderful parents!

    I hope this answers your questions. You can e-mail me if you need to ask more or get some information.

    EDIT: I did not see your first question and did not realize you are the foster or adopted parent. You can foster children and adopt as a single parent. There is a big need for this and if you have the love to give they will have the children for you to love. If you are getting a divorce and are worried that you won't be allowed to keep the kids you already have, don't worry they would not want to uproot the children. If your ex is worried about paying child support on a child you are in the process of adopting and is trying to give the child back to bad for him! You get a choice in this also.

    As I said I don't know the real question here but I can give support if you need to talk. I know a lot about adoption and fostering.

  7. you have every right in the world to adopt a child if you want to I wish there were more people like you blessings to you.

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