
Foster kitten lets out subtle snort when you pick her up?

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I'm close to going to the vet, but I want a few more opinions.

She just recovered from conjunctivitis but still has the gunk going on in her eyes, so I'm cleaning that every night and still putting the ointment in. But I have noticed that ever since we have fostered her, she has always let out a snort when you pick her up. First it was just a vibration in her throat and/or tummy and now it's a little snort or sniff or something. She also wriggles out of your grip, but I don't know if this is because she is not too social (it's taken me four weeks to get her to purr when I pet her) or because she is in pain.

I feel bad and want to know what's going on.

Please help!!!

Thank you!!!




  1. She could have mucus deep in her nasal passages, or in her lungs.  You might disturb it when you pick her up?  I've had that with a couple of kittens and cats, and it can take a strong antibiotic to clear it up.  The wriggling is really a normal kitten thing, as many kittens are plain too busy to be held, and some just plain don't care for it very much.  That may change as she gets older and less active, or as her social skills develop.  I doubt that the picking her up is causing her pain.

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