
Foster parenting and infants in need...?

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My soon to be husband and I are planning to be foster parents in the not too far future....since we are both in our mid to late 20's, we would prefer to have a young child, an infant or toddler we would feel would better suit us in our household at the time being at least for the first child we care for...who has fostered or worked in the foster care business and can estimate how many infant/toddlers are in need of care?

And another question.... any children in foster care whom are too young to attend school, if both foster parents works... If I work part time can the child go to a daycare for a few hours a week? ...New to this....thx




  1. The number of infants and pre school age children available varies. Unfortunately, children come into care all the time. If an infant suits you and that is the only age you are willing to accept it could be a number of months before a child is placed with you. If you are willing to wait for an infant placement then by all means tell your child protective services you are only interested in infants.

    AS for day care yes, the children can attend full time day care if both parents work outside the home. Child protective services will cover many of the expenses required for the children like all medical needs. You will also be paid a per dium for each day the child was in your care for the previous month. That reimbursemen is to cover the needs of the child for food, clothes, diaper, formula, toys, etc. However, most of the time the day cares charge more than child protective services pays you to cover the day care costs. The difference would also come out of the per dium. I was fortunate to find a day care that accepted the amount CPS reimbursed as full payment but I had two children who were school age. The went to the day care for before and after school care and also on days when there was no school but I still had to work.

    Good luck. Good foster parents are always in high demand.

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