
Fosters, caling or stella the big debate?

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i used to drink stella alot but gave it up coz i got to rowdy on it so i went on to carling but i got sick of that coz i didnt get me drunk all nite so i went onto fosters (not much better i know) but my mate is obessed wit stella even tho he had 2 pints and hes gone he once fell in my bath while taking a p**s lol so help us decide which is the best please




  1. Krombacher,Staropramen

    These run rings round the chemical cr*p that is UK lager

    "brewed under licence"means avoid!!

  2. try kronenbourg its nice. Stella is called "Wife Beaters" cause it had a tendancy to send people loopy when they drink it!!

  3. Lager is only fizzy to disguise the lack of taste. Try Real Ales -  proper beers.

  4. Carling is rubbish.  Move onto foreign stuff - Czek Budvar is the best for not having a hangover.

  5. Amstel is even nicer

  6. It's just got to be REAL ALE. No chemicals and better for you. Try them

  7. none they are all c**p. stella is a wife beaters drink and fosters tastes like p**s and carling tastes like a dog made it. none all c**p.

  8. dude, while you contemplate the beer menu, mr blair is selling you blokes up the river.  get with the program.

  9. Fosters is cheap and cheery. Better off changing to Heineken......mmmmmmmm.......think i will have one now

  10. stella tastes the best out of those 3 which wouldnt he hard cuase the other 2 are sh i t e

  11. For me, Stella is too strong and I get drunk and lairy really quickly,so I always go for Fosters or Carling-they're both known by my friends as 'a pint of why bother?',but to me,they're my drink for the whole evening,not just 2 hours..

  12. Stella artois....reassuringly expensive

  13. stella is definaltly the best

  14. Has to be Carling, darling!!!

  15. ANY Brit lager is the pits I tell you. You can pour it back in the Horse. They are pumped full of chemicals and just make you violent and stupid. It is not for nothing that Stella is called either "Wifebeater" or Stella "Act a t**t" Try any German lager that is produced under the medieval beer purity laws (Just malt, hops and water) and you will get pleasantly pissed, have a fun time and not have a head like a foot the next day.

  16. how sad to really have to ask about beer....

    there are other beers in the world than those three.

    i get the feeling you succumb to peer pressure far too easily. try other drinks....

  17. well if the others dont get you pissed then obviosly stella i drink stelle coz i used to drink special brew and i got to rowdy on that

  18. fosters

  19. Sorry, but any lager is a poor cousin to a decent pint of Real Ale!

    Real Ale tastes of something other than gas and is brewed properly, with care, in most cases.  The best to try, if you're used to the taste of lager, are the summer wheat beers, or other paler real ales like Hop Back Summer Lightning or Shepherd Neame's Early Bird.  They will not only get you drunk quicker as most have a decent percentage of alcohol by volume, they'll also not fill you up with gas so much.

    Go on, give it a try, it really is a taste worth aquiring.

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