
Foul odor in room smells like urine ,it comes and goes only stays in one part of bed room?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes i feel it's and old spirit ,but it's harmless ,butat the same time it kinds of spooks me.when i burn sage and pray over it ,it stays away for a few days then comes fiance is not afraid of it.she actually preys it out for a while .is there away you can find out if someone has passed in your house,and if so is there away to keep it out.someone who use to live here passed away at an old age .and dosen't want to leave.sometimes i feel like moving .does anyone has answers?or suggestion,i am very much open to any answers.




  1. Could it be an actual odor? Or perhaps a toy that is dirty? It would be more prominent during high humidity or heat.

  2. I agree with Preachy.. and anyway, why is this question in Toddler/Preschooler section?

  3. could it be an nasty spot on the carpet. like where a child might have peed or an animal. why automatically assume it's a ghost or spirit?

    you could just call ghost hunters

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