
Found Bio family in Russia!!!?

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So i found my bio family in Russia recently and i'm not quite familiar with the differences in culture between the USA and Russia.

Basically my mother is married now and she doesnt know i have found her. I got all of the info from my Biological grandmother, because i found her.

My biological grandmother only wants me to call her on her cell phone and not mail any letters because she doesnt want any neighbors finding out. Is this common there???

I know i was a secret when i was born and then i was given up for adoption.

anyone else want to share their experiences??

anyone with knowlege of the culture??

How the world do i even make phone call to St Petersburg, russia!!! (I do realise i need a phone card)

I could use some more cultural knowlege over all..





  1. My grandmother and grandfather were Germans from Russia. they never talked about the life there. I think it is part of the culture. You have a computer so look up what you can find on the culture today. With the difference in language it will be hard to communicate by phone unless your grandmother talks for you.

  2. im so sorry to hear that. I think in Russia thats normal. try google.

  3. A five minute call on a cell phone will cost you massive money. Explain to her that you appreciate her feelings and you really want to have a nice relationship with her, but that you can't afford the cost of that phone call...unless of course you can and are willing to spend a couple hundred dollars to hear her voice.

    When I talk to colleagues in Eastern Europe and Russia, it's always via internet. I just don't know if she's internet savvy. Maybe you could ask her if she minded if you sent her something through someone else so that her neighbors didn't have to find out.

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