
Found a Night Hawk with a broken wing, we have cats that run inside and out so keeping it safe. Any ideas?

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We have tried to feed it insects but it does not have much of an appetite, however it will eat worms. any ideas on helping with the broken wing, the DNR and several services said it would have had to be operated on immediately, but we all know better than this. any suggestions on how to help birds with broken wings.?




  1. 1st bring the bird to a safe place quiet and away from other animals.Be careful not to cause any more harm, Place into a box big enough for the bird not alto of room this will keep the bird from harming its self more and you when you open the box, or cage or a pet carrier.Make sure you have this bird in a closed area where it cant escape or get attacked by cats so you can have a look at it.

    The fact that the bird isn't flying doesn't mean its wing is broken. The bird may be sick or injured in some other way. A broken wing will hang/lay differently from the other wing, lower or at a awkward angle. It may drag on the ground as well. If this was broken recently it can be easily be fixed. If this bird is sick or other problem take this bird to a avian vet immediately.

    Before doing anything look this bird over well for any open wounds or sores or cuts or rips  if see any blood or infections you should take to a avian vet also.If you cant and see any wounds or infections you can use diluted iodine solution( Heavy diluted) clean area well be gentle in doing so. If you are sure this bird is healthy with only a broken wing and not infected or any open sores or wounds anywhere then you can help with its wing.

    You will need vet tape (gauze that sticks to its self) a pair of scissors cut about 12-18 inches of tape ( unstretched)

    Using your hands secure broken wingagainst the birds body in natural position. Wrap tape on the OUTSIDE of the broken wing and around the body UNDER the healthy wing.

    CAUTION;;; you MUST be sure that you are not obstructing breathing, DO NOT WRAP TO TIGHTLY!!!!! Its best to have some one hold the feet back and hold good wing while doing this since you only have to hands and will be busy trying to place this on right. Secure tape to itsself.

    Watch this bird for awhile the bird might fall over the first day or so,His feet should be free to move around , but this wing needs to stay immobile may use other wing for balance. Make sure its feet are behind the tape and cant get caucht in the tape or on tape.

    Warning:::If bird is able to drink water by its self make sure the water dish is shallow so he wont drown in it it with balance off he may fall face first in and unable to get out.

    make sure this bird drinks water this is a Must and food keep bird in a safe place and confined to a small area preferably a bird cage, check on it often make sure the tape is on and not over feet, make sure the bird eats and drinks water tape needs to stay on for at least 2-4 weeks or 4-6 weeks this is a big bird. Change it weekley or when it is soiled.

    After healing you may wish to place into a larger cage so it can learn to fly again and use its wing again, when it flys well its ready to be released into wild again when let go try to release in same place you found it. If this bird can't fly call around to some rehabilitators or find some one who will be willing to care for this bird.

  2. Get the bird to a local wildlife rehab..they can give it the proper medical care it needs and repair the wing and release the bird back into the wild if possible.  Not sure why DNR did not suggest this.  Look here for one near you...the sooner you get the bird there, the better chance it has of being released back into the wild.

  3. Um if you know better than the Department of Natural Resources why are you asking us! Give the poor thing to DNR so they can heal it and stop torturing it.

  4. take it to the DNR!!!! most birds don't heal from broken wings if not operated on! you are killing the bird! it will never be able to fly if you don't get it to the vet immediately!!!!!

  5. What yo need to do is take it to a wildlife rehabber or a vet that accepts injured wildlife. They will take it to rehabber or refer you to one in your area. This is the best chance the bird has. it is not eating as it has very specific diet and it is stressed and in pain. Broken wings can be mended with splints, surgery, and physical therapy which wildlife rehabbers can do and have done. Keep it warm and in quite dim lit area until you can take there. If you cannot or wont then the bird will probably pass on. You can try to wrap the wing in its normal position close to the body with some vet cling in a x pattern. Put some food and water close by and leave it alone for awhile. Its seeing you as a predator. Most birds die from stress other than their injuries. Wildlife rehabber are free and so are vets that take injured wildlife. You can even call and check on its progress. Good luck and glad you helped it.Look up the proper diet for it on web. Also remember it is illeagal to keep any migratory bird without a permit.  

  6. um, id listen to the professional.  

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