
Found a baby...platy? in my tank this morning?

by  |  earlier

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I think it's a baby platy. I have 4 bright orange and black platys in my tank, i got up this morning and barely saw the little guy swimming around. Managed to save him, but he seems a bit big for a 'just born now' baby and his color is bright orange. Is it possible that he's been living in the tank for abit and managing to escape my bigger fish? Or are platy babies born with color?




  1. well fish don't give birth they lay eggs so thats kind of weird because its unlikely that only one egg survived and you didn't notice them

  2. platies are born with colour if it is a new born fish then it will be as small as 1cm if it looks bit bigger then it is couple days old and have managed to escape from the mother make sure u keep him away from the bigger fish till he is about 1 month old or big enough to not fit into the bigger fishes mouths,have a look in yr planted area for more babies  at the moment i have 50 baby fish platies,mollies,guppies,endlers,swordtai... ikeep all my babies in a floating hatchery hope this helps u out and good luck for lila answer fish do give birth to live babies thats y they are called livebearers which is what the fish i have mentioned but others do lay eggs too but platies are live bearers

  3. Baby Platys(SP?) do have color when born and are born live.

    But they tend to hid for quite a while in the rocks eating what makes it down there. Isolate him now and feed him baby food-

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