
Found a bird ( Lost from home) , [ Bird care help! ]?

by Guest61172  |  earlier

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Im keeping a bird that we found outside today. :] Its wings are clipped, and it seems not to be to "shy" so we know its a pet bird that's lost.

Before we put up signs, we have to care for the bird now.

Soo, what can I feed it or use around the house to make it feel comfortable. I have it in a nice home.. And I used some sticks as perches, and I have a mirror in there..

What can I feed him? Can I feed him goldfish!?

And how do I serve him water!?

And... what else should I add, that's around the house!




  1. First of all, you should NOT keep this bird if it's not YOURS. Try to find the owner by posting flyers and placing a "found" ad in the local paper. Contact

    How would YOU feel if you lost a cherished family pet and the person who found it decided to KEEP it?

    Don't keep this bird until you make EVERY effort to find out who it belongs to.

  2. Well if you have any wild bird seed it would be ok  and celery tops some soda crackers dry cold cereal like corn flakes cooked cooled plain pasta make sure you have fresh water for him it may be a Cockatiel they get out and fly  off like that and these are some of the foods they can eat.pretzels  peanuts raw cabbage broccoli  no avocado  or chocolate. Good luck try this web site it may help and you may have a new friend  we love ours  

  3. What kind of a bird is it? Go to a pet store and buy bird seeds for it, that's what they usually eat. Not goldfish, unless I'm mistaken. Just fill a bowl or a cup with water and it'll drink out of it on its own.

  4. Because you don't know what sort of diet the bird was on before you'll need to get a good mix of seed/pellets and other goodies (fruits, veggies, pastas, nuts) and offer it to him.  No you cannot feed it goldfish!  Water should be given in a shallow bowl and make sure you have him in a safe cage.

    In addition to posting signs you'll need to post found ads to online classifieds like,,, cockatielcottage (if the bird is a Cockatiel), and other websites because birds can fly up to 50 miles a day (when fully flighted) and this bird could be far from home.

    Be careful not to give out too much information on your ads and flyers though and make the family who lost the bird describe it to you because if you give too much information people will try and scam you into getting a free bird so be aware that this DOES and will happen.

    Good luck finding the birds family.

    PS. My friend lost a blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet from Utah the first week of August, if the one you found is a ringneck email privately so we can talk!

  5. Where are you located? I have a bird rescue and we specialize in reuniting lost birds with their owners. Is there any way you could send a pic of it? Does it have a leg band? You need to feed it bird food and water. If you do not have these things you can feed it fruits or veggies. Please email me with info and I can maybe help you out.

    Visit my website:

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    Thank You

  6. Need to feed bird food. Is is a parrot. If so then parrot seed. If a small bird like parakeet then parakeet seed. All available at pet stores and most grocery stores. Water in a dish. You can get dishes at pet stores for cheap. Put in a cage if have one. Big enough where bird can spread his wings without hitting against bars. And bar spacing small enough so bird cant fit head through them. Give him some bird toys that get at pet stores. Wood ones are good. Keep in a quite place as he is new to your home. Then once he is comfy put up posters, call local pet stores to see if someone reported him lost, and call vets also in area to see if someone reported lost. I would look on web to determine what type of bird it is. make sure you do not over heat any teflon pans or use any aerosols around him or air fresheners as this can kill him. he can have carrots, apples, grapes cut up also. No avocado or chocolate or caffeine. Good luck on finding his owners or with your new pet if no one claims him. Can even go door to door and ask people. Most birds are dearly missed and get away by accident.  

  7. What kind of bird is it? There's a website for quaker parrots(their green or blue), and a lady just posted an ad saying that her bird flew out the door. Birds usually eat seeds but I know that quakers can eat fruits and vegetables. As far as water, just put some in a small dish. It really would help to know what kind of bird it is. E-mail me with info if you want anymore help.

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