
Found a cure for cancer?

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  1. No it is not true.  The Government and Scientists are the enemy, they want you to think they are on the edge of discovering the cure, but are hiding the real cure - Peach seeds Vitamin B-17.

    WHY?  Because the Cancer Industry makes over $200 BILLION a year.  If the real cure (which cannot be patented) gets out they go out of business.

  2. Not sure what you mean. Yes, researchers have been investigating DCA . . does it work? It's still in reseach and offered in some clinical trials. There are people who have decided to skip the clinical trials and try it anyway . . and some people have died . . it isn't a 'cure' . . but it may end up being a treatment that helps some types of cancer. It is still in the research phase . . no one knows which types of cancer may benefit, what stage, the dosage, how much might work or how much might poison, or how long or if it works better in high or low amounts . . so it is all being investigated. As with any treatment . . some people are blowing horns and saying how great it is . . but others have died. It's too soon to know.

    Incidentally . . there are literally hundreds of similar clinical trials for totally different types of hopeful 'cures' . . all this is called research. The media article you mention .  . well . . that is hype . . someone jumped the gun and called it a 'cure' a little too prematurely. DCA may yet play a part in the treatments of some types of cancer . . there are some types such as sarcoma that seem to have failed badly with DCA, So it is not the big 'cure' at all.

  3. No it's a scam.

    Apparently dichloroacetate has shown promise in rats but hasn't undergone clinical trials in humans. But the person who runs the site that the article you link to comes from, Student Printz, sells it anyway, to people desperate for a cancer cure.

    Read this article; it describes the studentprintz site as '' a dubious advertising site for, where a chemist named Jim Tassano sells to desperate cancer patients non-pharmaceutical grade and non-FDA-approved dichloroacetate, the small molecule chemotherapeutic agent with an interesting and unusual mechanism of action that has shown promise in rat models of cancer but as yet has not undergone clinical trials in humans to determine if it is effective in cancer.''

    Here's the whole article:

    And in case you're tempted by the post about the non-existent vitamin B17, here are the facts about that:

  4. omg i dont have ur answer but the sound great and i hope its true and everyone with cancer gets cureed  

  5. I went to the University of Alberta in Edmonton website, there has been no updates since the article came out 16 months ago. Take it with a grain of salt, perhaps in four years we may know more about it.

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