
Found a jaw bone at the beach and can't identify it. Any marine life animal sites that might be able to help?

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I found a jaw bone on the beach and can't quite identify it. I'm sure it belongs to some large fish but don't know anything about fish.

It's not from a shark. A surfer thought it might be from a dolphin or porpoise but I googled those pics and it's not that. This thing has a fang like tooth on the end. I have pictures I could upload to a website or forum but can't seem to find a good one.

Does anyone know a good website with a forum with people who would be able to identify a jaw bone from the ocean?

Thanks in advance.




  1. You could upload them to this site (Yahoo Answers), for starters. If no-one here can identify it, someone else might know of another site that could help you with that.

    If you click under your question, where it says 'Edit', you can add words or pictures, or both, to your question.

    If you add the pic. and I can identify it, I'll add that to my answer. I doubt I'll be able to, though, but someone else probably will.

    Added:- Wow. Interesting looking jaw bone. Just as I thought though - I don't know what it is, but I'm sure someone else will know. I'll keep an eye on this thread, as it's always interesting to find out what animal jaws and bones etc. are from.

    Good luck with getting it identified.

    Addition 2:- lol @ 'googlage', and I think you're right. I just had a look and I agree that it looks like a barracuda jaw.

    Just now, I found an online website that I'd completely forgotten about. I had a bone identified there a year or two ago. I'll give you the info. just in case you want to double check on the ID. It's actually supposed to be for Australian animals/fish etc., but I think they'll make an exception for sea fish.

    Here's how to contact them:

    They take about 10 days to reply, or that's how long they took when I contacted them, anyway.

    I think you've solved the mystery, though. I think you're right that it's a barracuda jaw.

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