
Found a large green worm on my pepper plant

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it has 8 leggs, and a small spike tail........little yellow dots on its size, its about as big as a ring finger.........kinda large for a worm, it also poops large black droppings that are actually little balls hooked together..........




  1. Keep the pepper. I'll munch on that worm...droppings and all!!!


    Is this it, or similar? What you speak of is probably a sphinx caterpillar.

  3. It sounds like it may be a tomato hook worm. They will eat all of the leaves from your plants. The best way to deal with them is just pick them off. You can also use NEEM to get rid of them. Make sure you till your garden this fall or very early next spring to destroy the larvae overwintering in the soil. Good luck!

  4. That is the nasty tomato hornworm that also likes to nibble on pepper and potato plants (they are all the same family)

    Cut the #$#@ thing in half and get rid of it or else you'll have giant Hawk Moths in a month.

    Incidentally, I found one this morning on one of my tomato plants and got rid of it real fast.

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