
Found a strange substance in my sisters room?

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We've been having some issues with my younger sister, she's 18. Not coming home at night, got busted drinking and driving(not drunk thank god, but still terrible) When we got her car out from impound we found a shot glass size tupperware container with a red substance in it. It had the consistancy of freshly drawn blood, but I know its not cause there's no clotting in the container. It has no smell to it and when I touched my finger to it it stained my finger really really bad, had to scrub to get it off. Does anybody know what it could possibly be? When we asked her she said she was embarassed and did not want to talk about it, she won't tell us what it is. Any ideas??




  1. If it is corn syrup + red food coloring then would that be what it is? That would make it homemade Halloween blood that is safe to put in your mouth if you want to. This is what I think it is, in which case she is embarrassed because its just a silly thing to make and have in your car if nosy people find it there. Perfectly innocent thing to have, no illicit uses for it. Very imaginative on her part. You WANT it to be something terrible, and its not, so I scrape my finger at You and say "No! Bad! No cookie! Take a time out!"

    OR if you put a drop of it on a piece of bread then does the bread turn blue-purple? That would make it an Iodine solution, possibly even Betadine, and is what some people put on cuts to kill bacteria. It would be toxic if you put it in your mouth. But, again, it is an innocent thing to have in your car. I scrape my finger at You and say "Shame on you! Schweinhund! Ni boo hao!"

  2. If your sister is into "goth" stuff (like dark clothes-often baggy, pale white face, dark eye makeup, black lipstick, hair dyed very dark, blood red or very white, black fingernail polish, a lot of jewelry or jewelry-like adornments like lots of bracelets, chains hanging from one thing or part to another, etc.) it might be fake blood.  sometimes the goth grouping can lead to "urban vampires", groups of people who feel their true identity is a vampire and they must drink blood to stay who they are.  if your sister wanted to fit in but wasn't up to drinking the real thing, it very likely is a mix of food coloring and corn syrup or stage blood from a novelty store.  I would smell it now that some time has passed and see if it is still odorless.  If it has a smell now, but not before, it could be something else I don't want to post... just email me.

    The food coloring and corn syrup "blood" can actually be concocted using a variety of different materials with essentially the same results.  If she used red kool aid or jello (which would probably have a smell depending on the flavor) or other red powder like just powdered food coloring, this would stain your finger much worse than liquid food coloring.  any thick liquid could be substituted for the corn syrup if it was just for show, any thick liquid food could be used if it was for consumption.  

    This is not to say that "goth" automatically leads to vampire tendencies and most certainly a person could have the desire to be vampire without being anything other than what you might consider "average".  This is just a way to make a guess at what is in the container.

  3. If it's Betadine, and she's embarrassed to discuss it, she may be using it to douche to get rid of a vaginal infection. Is she sexually active? Because if she thinks that'll get rid of STDs, it won't.

  4. i love my sister that i would kill a guy that lays a hand on her,but if she was doing bad things like that i would beat the living h**l out of her,if talking dosent work

  5. Well she IS 18. But if you really want to know you could tell her that you are taking the substance to the local police station to be identified if she doesnt come clean. Or you may accept the fact that she is an adult now and its time she get her own car out of impound and mind your own business.

  6. hmmm very strange... the only thing i can think of is blood!! i would demand it out of her if you are that worried.. if she wont tell you then tell her you will have it tested.... so either way the truth will come clean

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