
Found a stray kitten?

by  |  earlier

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i have found a little girl stray kitten

she seems to be about 5 months

she has a collar

but she has been in the backyard for about a week n is really dirty and getting thin and looks beaten up

i called the humane society n if they cant find a home she will get put down

so i want to keep her

but i havent brought her in as i have another cat and she has a few fleas...

wat would i have to do

do i need to get her a flea bath n does she need to be tooken to the vet?

wat diseases could she have?

(i doubt she has rabies as she is the sweetest thing)

does neone no wat this vet visit would cost and how much it is to get her fixed




  1. I don't know what the vet visit would cost, but you should get her cleaned up a bit and feed her, and at least take her for a check-up to make sure she is okay, and then buy a flea bath or flea collar for her.

    Also, get her checked for a microchip or tattoo, because that would tell where her home is.

  2. It'll probally cost around $80 to get her spayed. A vet visit could range anywhere from $45 - $200 or more. All depending on the health of the cat and what care it needs. Good luck.

  3. well getting her fixed is not a prob but it will cost about 60 to get her spayed so don't worry about that and if you wan t her to come in your house and she has fleas the you need to sprinkle salt around your house fleas hate that stuff and if the fleas jump off of her then they will jump in the salt and die (quickly)

  4. take a picture of her and put up posters around your neighborhood. im sure someone is missing their kitty seeing as how she has a collar on. if no one responds in a week, you might as well keep her. in the meantime, set some food and a blanket for her out on your deck (or in your yard) and maybe even put a flea collar on her. while you are waiting to see if anyone reclaims her call your local vets and start pricing the cost of a spay, shots, etc.

  5. The best way to get rid of the fleas is to use this stuff called Frontline that you can get at the vet. It's really the best thing that has ever happened for flea and tick control. You do not need an appointment to get it, but it'd probably be a good idea to have her checked by the vet anyway. Also, while you are there they can scan her to see if she has a microchip that might be able to provide you with the owner's contact information.

    I"d also go around the neighborhood and maybe put fliers up or an ad in the paper saying you've found her, as someone might be looking for her still.

  6. The first and ONLY thing you should do is give it away!! You say you already have a cat, but you don't know how much a vet cost?? This says that you are not taken care of your first cat and that you shouldn't keep this kitten.

  7. You should take her to your humane society and have them check for a microchip and see if they could find her owner right there (without you giving them the cat) and if not, take a picture of her, post up flyers about a found cat. If you dont get a response after a while, then you may keep her.

    If noone responds to your found cat signs, I first suggest taking her to the vet. Have the vet examine her and discover if she is ill at all or if she just has a few fleas and needs some Revolution.

    Usually a vet visit can cost from simply a check up cost ($35-45) to Over a hundred dollars if she is ill.

    As for spaying her, there are low cost or no cost spay/neuter clinics all over the United States. Depending on your financial situation you may or may not be able to get her spayed through this. Otherwise, I know one average typical spaying cost for a female cat would be $60/$70.

    I would, in your situation, take her to the vet in a carrier that you already have for your cat, get her checked out, bring her home with medications in hand (if needed). When you get home with her, designate a room for her for about ten days. Get a litter box, food and water bowls, some play toys, and set her up a nice little temporary place. The reason I suggest ten days is because alot of medications - One round last ten days or less. This should give enough time, hopefully, that any infection or illness could be fought off if it was not a serious sickness.

    Hope this helps, and feel free to ask me anything if you need to! =)

    I also attached a site with low cost spay/neuter clinics that might have one in your area or state. =)

  8. A visit to the vet will run you around $30-$50 but since it seems to be a stray, she may need many shots and then follow up boosters. Not sure how much it will cost to spay her, probably around $80-$100. If you get a flea collar for her in the meantime, do NOT get anything by Hartz. They are a horrible brand and if you don't believe me, just type in Hartz in your search engine and there are so many people who have had cats and dogs die from their products. Give her some wet food and fresh water (no milk, no tuna) until you can get her to the vet to get checked up. The vet will also be able to give you a flea and tick med that will clear any of that up :)
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