
Found a wild turtle and wonder what it eats?

by  |  earlier

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I was wonder what they eat and my little brother wont leave me alone untill i fine out.

Heres a picture of it:




  1. That is an adult box turtle that's probably lived 20 or 30 years or so without you or your brother's help. They're omnivorous, they eat everything from slugs to berries to various fungi, but the BEST thing for it to eat is whatever it was on it's way to find when it was caught. Box turtles are protected through most of their range, and it is illegal to take them from the wild in most states. If you put it back where you found it, it has the possiblity of living over 100 years... if you keep it when you don't know what it eats or how to take care of it properly, it may not live another month. Wild box turtles don't take very well to captivity and sometimes never get comfortable enough in their new surroundings to eat.

    If you and your brother REALLY want a box turtle, do a LOT of research (and a lot more thought on if you REALLY want a pet that can live over 100 years) and locate a captive bred specimen so that you aren't further depleting the wild population.

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