
Found cockatiel; don't want him to die.?

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I found a cockatiel yesterday in an abandoned parking lot, so I bought him a cage, food, and toys and took him in. However, he's scared out of his mind, keeps hissing, and hasn't been eating or drinking for a while now. I really don't want him to die! Help, what do I do?




  1. Hi there. I was just wondering if you have tryed looking for the owner to this bird you found. My family just recenetly lost our cockatiel and are absolutely devistated! We miss her soooooo much and have been doing everything we can to find her. These birds are a part of peoples family and if the owner of the bird you found cares for it as much as I cared for mine, then I'm sure they're looking for it. If you go online there are tons of missing cockatiel websites and postings. The bird may possibly be missing its family. They get very attached to their owners. That may be why its not eating also. Sometimes people who lose their birds will put postings and signs in the area and at pet stores and pet vets. If you could look for the owner that would be great, because if it ever happened to you, I'm sure you'd want someone to help you out. I now know this from personal experience! And most of the time people are willing to reward the person who rescused and returned they're family pet! We are offering a reward because she means so much to us! Thank you! (P.s. What area are you from?? if you could email me at that would be great. We personaly know of two other people with missing birds also! It would be greatly appreciated for your help! thanks!)

  2. Don't worry about him he is wild and will eat and drink when he gets the notion to. Just remember he is not a bird who is going to thank you or tame up any time soon. Keep him a while then go get a female for him to bond to and he will fine. And don't be trying to put your hands near him, keep your distance from him right now other then food and water. He will appreciate you respecting his space.

  3. Put him in a quiet room all alone and don't bother him for a day or two, other than making sure he has food and water.  He is severely traumatized, which isn't at all unusual for a lost/found bird.  I promise you in a week he will be back to normal, but for now, he needs to assess his new surroundings and be able to relax without anyone around.  If you have a portable radio, you might want to put it in his room with soft classical music playing.  Good luck!

  4. You are doing everything right.  This bird has been terrorized being outside for we do not knw  how long.

    Cover half or most of the cage with a dark cloth. A half sheet will do.  Not a towel since he could get caught in in it.  The cover will help him calm down.  Give him time.  He may not have been a pet, but a breeder and not used to people.

  5. He must have had a bad owner before but take him to a vet just to make sure his heath is fine and if you let the vet know that you found the bird he/she will not charge you because all you want to do is a check up.

    And also put a small cloth on one half of his cage for he can feel safe and warm.

    Poor bird he/she had to gone threw something bad.

  6. He's been traumatized and you're a stranger.  "for a while" is not very specific.  if he looks healthy (eyes clear, feathers all there) and moves around his cage as if he's not injured, he just needs time to adjust.  Stand near the cage and talk to him softly so he gets used to your voice.  Stay calm so he picks up on that energy.

    Move slowly when you put water and food in his cage.  In time he'll grow to trust you and may even let you touch him or get on your finger.  A word of caution: they bite like the dickens (wear garden gloves if you're going to handle him).  If he's going to be outside the cage, close the doors unless his wings are trimmed - they fly away in a heartbeat and you don't want to lose the little guy.  

    If you can, whistle little tunes - he'll start repeating them.  So cute!

  7. Take him to a vet that specializes in birds.

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