
Found condoms in parents bedroom!?

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Ok, so I found condoms in my parents bedroom drawer while they were gone. My mom is 33 and my dad is 32. I just don't like the fact they have condoms. :( They have like a 12 pack and 12 more in a box. Should I confront them and tell them how I feel?

I am 14 by the way. My mom has 3 kids including me. I saw two condoms missing out of the 12 pack box. I just recently had a brother born (2006) and another one is on the way in November.

DO YOU THINK THEY HAD MY BROTHER ON ACCIDENT? Sorry I am freaking out... BUT It really means much to me...

I am not trying to offend anyone, but I think if you are going to have s*x, then have it without a condom. Otherwise, you shouldn't unless you have STD's or AIDS.




  1. People should always use a condom unless their trying to get pregnant. If u dont use one u will get pregnant or an std. They probably wanted to have ur brother but just dont want to have another baby right now. I mean they already have 3, and 4 is alot.  

  2. You're stupid.

    Why does it bother you so much?

    Your parents are adults,

    and GUESS WHAT?

    Adults have s*x, especially married ones.


  3. WOW!!!!

  4. Why were you snooping in your parents bedroom?

    I'm sure they have their reasons for having condoms.

  5. okay well you shouldnt freak out. s*x is something natural and people do use condoms it is very common and there not just for preventing sexually transmitted diseases there for preventing the female from getting pregnant. i dont believe your brother was an accident, but if you are really doubtful and unsure just ask your parents.

  6. You mentioned that your parents have another child on the way - due in November.  

    There are reasons they might prefer to use a condom if they are having s*x during pregnancy.  

    "There is some evidence that condom use during the final months of pregnancy may lower the risk of infection."   Some people also fear that the hormones in the male's ejaculate can induce labour - which is pretty much untrue, but maybe you're parents just want to be sure that the pregnancy stays safe.

    Condoms can also make a guy last longer...  (I know, just the kind of info you need considering it's your parents - but you opened this can of worms when you began snooping).

    It can also be less mess - easier clean up for the woman afterwards, especially if she has a doctors appointment the next day.... (again, sorry if it's too much info).

  7. Your parents are married - they have a right to do those things - YES its a little unsettling to think about it - no one likes to go there.  Condoms are used to prevent pregnancy,  It doesn't mean anyone has STD's.  You need to take a health class to better understand this.  I am 45 and I DON"T like to think of my own parents doing that - I just don't go there.  It sounds like you are confused and need to talk to a responsible adult who can give you the answers you need.

  8. First off... stay out of your parents bedroom and there s*x life. Its none of your business.

    Other than that MAYBE your mom doesn't want to take the pill, maybe they're being extra cautious.

    What does it matter if your brother was an accident (not saying he was)?

    I know you're a kid but your parents DO have a s*x life. Jeez! all you found was condoms be happy. At least you know they're having s*x with each other and not out and about getting STD's. I've got four kids and currently pregnant and sometimes we use condoms (and like I said I'm ALREADY pregnant). There are useful things about condoms other than protection from STD's and pregnancy.

    Just get it out of your head. Its not a big deal at all. Relax.

  9. P A R E N T S having s*x? WHO ever heard of such a thing!

    <c; *wink*

    ONE: YOU should not have been snooping.

    Two:    Parents become PARENTS by having s*x.

    Three:  NEVER mention ANY child being an accident.

    FOUR:  Your mothers birth control methods are your parents business.

    Five:   IT always FREAKS out kids when they think of parents having "s*x".

    SIX:   THATS because "kids" do NOT know that marriage LOVE is WAY more than just the act of "s*x".

  10. Number 1; You should not be snooping around in your parents bedroom drawers, and number 2, it don't really concern you about your parents s*x life. What you need to do is forget the whole snooping business, don't mention it to them, or anyone else.

  11. s*x is a normal thing and almost everyone does it. Unless you want another baby sibling then they DO need to use a condom. I wouldn't, it's part of their personal life and you shouldn't have went through their drawer in the first place.

  12. This isn't even a little bit close to approaching being your business.  Your opinion is irrelevant.

  13. Um. The condoms are there to obviously prevent that from happening again. I don't see why it's a big deal. I could understand if it was the opposite like them finding your condoms.

  14. It's there lives! They don't want to have multiple children. Yes they have s*x and yes they have safe s*x. You'll have to get use to it...sorry. Adults even parents have s*x every once in a while. I say just forget about it and move on. It's ok to feel weird but confronting them will be even weirder.  

  15. The first thing to do is calm down, then look at the situation rationally.

  16. Uh, have you ever considered that your parents could be done having children (or they don't want any right now)? That's probably why they use condoms, so to prevent any further pregnancies. It's none of your business, anyways.

  17. the majority of married people use some sort of birth control. your parents chose to use condoms. if the thought of your younger siblings was a mistake to them they could have done something about it like abortion. i understand there is a huge difference between you and the younger one and i see why this could be a misunderstanding to you. the s*x life of two adults whether married or not does not ever concern others. also, we all feel grossed out by the thought of our parents even...

  18. No offense but you really don't have any business telling your parents that you don't like them using condoms. They are adults and its their s*x life...not your business...sorry.  And there are a lot of people out there that were not called "accidents"...its really not a big deal.  I mean not unless they are keeping the "accidents" in a cage under the stairs.  There are lots of reasons that married couples use protection such as condoms, and i hope someday that you understand and practice of safe s*x.

  19. lol theres other reasons

    but about the "baby on the way"

    you shouldn't worry about that. if your mom didn't want another baby she would had said so when she found out she was pregnant.

    just relax about this whole thing lol

  20. Why would you be in their room checking up on them and their activities. It is really none of your business what they do, whether they use a condom or not and I think it would really be upsetting to  them by approaching them with this nonsense. You need some s*x education classes as well. No one in their right mind would give an opinion such as you did  unless they were uneducated about such matters.

  21. Are you serious about confronting your parents?  You're 14 years old.  Stop snooping in their stuff.  Your parents are being responsible by using condoms.  Back off.

    You have no idea how difficult it is to raise children, how expensive they are, and how much effort goes into giving them moral standards.

  22. There are 4 kids already and another on the way--and you want your parents to continue to have kids???  They have decided that 5 kids is enough and they are trying to continue to have a wholesome married life without creating more kids.  It's a very responsible, sane thing to do.  The other alternative would be for your mom to take some hormone-driven birth control which might be unhealthy for her, or for your dad to get a vasectomy (which isn't a bad thing).

    You should also tell your parents you NEED desperately that talk about using condoms because you obviously haven't had it yet.  You also need to learn to respect your parents' privacy and not go through their things.

  23. quit snooping. your parents room & what is in it is none of your business

  24. if they stop using condoms, chances are your mom will be pregnant ALL the time. then you'll have so many siblings that your parents will not be able to give you the attention you need anymore. then they will spend so much money on kids that they'll go broke and you'll have no more money as a family and then either you'll have to start working full time too (and that might not be enough) and you know what i mean. there is NOTHING wrong with using a condom. in fact, more people should use them. and its their business. their s*x life does not concern you

  25. What were you doing in your parents' bedroom? You are 14, have a lot to learn, and are in no position to judge your parents. Condoms are used for "safe s*x" and for birth control purposes.

    Mind your own business.

    You are not a judge.

    Have respect for your parents.

  26. Stay out of your parents' bedroom. That is invasion of privacy and will certainly upset them.

    Your parents are young and love each other, so they have s*x... it is their right because they are happily married. You don't worry about them having and using condoms! You worry about when they DON'T have and use them!  

  27. ewwwww gross....didn't need to know that

  28. You have got to be kidding!!!! You have no business looking into your parents drawers.  You had no right do that.That is their own business not yours.

  29. are you serious? why wouldn't you use a condom, if you dont want to get pregnant all the time. This is a very stupid question.

  30. my answer to you is that you got what you deserved you little snoop.

    stay out of your parents room, what's in there is none of your business!!!!!!!!

    why don't you confront them, then you can explain why you were snooping through their things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    if you were my kid and i found out you were snooping through my things i would ground you for 6 months no tv, no xbox no ipod, no out no one in no stereo NOTHING AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  maybe a book to keep your mind off of going through other peoples things.  a snoop is no better than a thief and a liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  31. a condom, is to try not to have kids. sorry but if your parents love each other, they will still have s*x. and with 3-plus they are probably taking the precaution. you will figure it out when you get older.

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