
Found cyst on dog's face was hidden under ear/hair..pretty large and bulgy was hidden so well .str8 2 vet ?

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Found cyst on dog's face was hidden under ear/hair..pretty large and bulgy was hidden so well .str8 2 vet ?




  1. Definitely go to the vet, if you don't have much money find out if there is a PAWS clinic in your area.

  2. Does the cyst appear infected, irritated or an open wound? If it seems fluid filled you can apply a warm compress to it and see if that helps alleviate the bump. But if it seems hard, under the surface of the skin then the vet will need to examine to make sure it is nothing urgent. But if it is truly a cyst, then the vet can aspirate it and make sure the fluid inside is not cancerous.  

  3. Yup.  Could be cyst, tumor or infected abscess.  It needs professional treatment.

  4. Yes, Vet! It may be nothing, but you'll never know until you get it checked! My dog had 2 lumps removed when she was spayed, and the 3rd one the vet left in.  

  5. Yes, you should go straight to the Vet.

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