
Found duck egg what should i do mom doesn't come back?

by Guest63683  |  earlier

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Found duck egg what should i do mom doesn't come back?




  1. Put it in a box with sheet and put a light bulb to warm the egg until maybe 100 degrees. Take care the temperature won´t be so hot or so cold because the embryo could die.

  2. First off, its illegal to touch or take any Bird eggs, nests, or feathers. if you found it by a lake/pond you probably scared off the mother, or the mother was out finding food, so you have already touched it, so the mother will not want the egg anymore, do not touch any more eggs in the future.

    OK to hatch the egg, you MUST keep it warm at all times, get a cardboard box, cut a hole in the side, and put a light through the hole, and put a dish of water in there for humidity, now BEFORE PUTTING THE EGG IN, put a thermometer in the box and make sure its 99.5 degrees F, and that the humidity is %86, then put a cloth in the floor of the box and put the egg in, turn the egg about 3 times a day, and it normally takes 30 days for it to hatch starting from the start of incubating, after about 8 days of incubation, you might want to "candle" the egg, this is done by taking a flashlight and the egg into a dark room and shining the flashlight into the tip of the egg, if you see some red veins or anything living, keep on incubating it, if you see a big black/brown splotch, its dead.

    If it finally hatches, (do not help it out of the egg, it will get its strength from this) give it some Un medicated chicken mash and some water, only about a 1/2" of water so they dont drown, then after your done with your "OMGGG HE's SOOOOOOO CUTE!!" take him to the humane society, do not play with the Duckling or go near him a lot or he will think your his mother (don't make it think your it's mother, Its a WILD duck)

  3. Ooh, i did that to. But one precaution if the egg is still outside, make sure it is in a safe place where is can't crack. I put the one i found on a chair in a bowl so it could get the sunlight and it got really windy and it knocked it over and it broke. :(  You can make an incubator by taking a insulated hard lunchbox and placing it in a pan of water. Put a strong light above it and make sure you turn the egg four times a day. Also make sure that the temperature is under 101 degrees and that the pan of water has water in it. You can also check to see if the embryo is growing by placing a flashlight underneath of it and looking at it.

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