
Found duck egg what should i do?

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I recently found a duck egg outside (in the middle of a paddock) when i was mowing and took it inside. I have heard you should keep it really warm but this one's very cold. Will it be all right and is there something that i should do for it?




  1. If its really cold there's a good chance the poor little thing is dead, especially if you have no idea how long it had been there by itself. However if there's any chance it is still alive, you have to keep it really warm (towels, heat lamp etc) until it (maybe!) hatches...then you should probably go to your vet and get information on how to hand rear a duckling. Good luck, I hope its still alive =)

  2. leave it the poor thing might alredy be dead :( or do what the others said :)

  3. well, if it was in your yard, it can't be too old, (or cold)  but one thing you could do is go to your local "farm" store, or whatever, something like tractor supply, and buy an incubator with a red bulb, and just put it in a corner or something, and rotate it a couple times a day...we have chickens, so i know a bit.

    i hope it helps


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