
Found egg what type? Answer soon!?

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i found an egg. it was still warm its blue with brown speckles. its big in the egg.How do i take care of it seceretly with no incubater or electronic stuff???Be exact too...




  1. Sounds possibly like a mourning dove egg.  If you can, get it back in the nest - that would be the best chance for survival (birds can't smell, so they won't reject the egg because you touched it.)  

    Without the proper equipment, you couldn't regulate temperature, which is what you need to do - too cool and it will die, too hot and it will die too.

    If you do manage to get it to hatch, remember that the chances of survival just went down dramatically too.  It will need very regular (as in every hour or two to start with) feedings, bird formula most likely (which gets expensive.)

    Good luck....

  2. thats a cluck egg thiers nuthing in it its one they usefor making an egg

  3. If its about the size of a quarter maybe a little larger or smaller its probably a robin egg. Sadly if it is they usually cant be saved by humans only by their mothers. Best of luck

  4. keep it at about 90degreese with a lamp and put a towel around.  

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