
Found hamster that was lost for 60 hours...sleeping non stop?

by  |  earlier

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I lost my hamster for a day and a half...Finally I found her and put ehr back in the cage. She ate and drank a lot of water then went to bed. It's been 2 days and all she's been doing is sleeping and eating

Is this normal? Is she just recuperating? Could she be hibernating because of the lack of food and water? If she is, how long would she be hibernating for?




  1. Let her sleep, shes probably tired from hiding from danger or 2 days.

    I'm not sure if hamsters hibernate, but to be sure wake her up every 5 or 6 hours.

  2. Hi! The fact that your hamster is eating and drinking normally is an indication that she's doing OK. She is just catching up for lost time and probably feeling very happy and secure in her "normal" surroundings again.

    Your little friend should be just find, she just needs some time to recuperate. I'm so happy you found her, what a relief that must be!  =)

  3. I've had this happen serveral times...between two different hamsters. Provided she didn't eat anything harmful to her, she should be up and perky in a night or two. It's very possible that you just don't see her get up, as they're nocturnal.

  4. yah, basically hamster eat and slp.. maybe when it is playing u didn't see it.. so not to worry too much.. if it is not eating, that would be worrying though.

  5. Yes hamsters hibernate, because of the big change of the temerparture, i would call a vet and ask them about it. uh you have to try to stop her from hibernating  play wioth her and soon she will get backto regular things

  6. yes she is recuperating?. but you must go to the vet cuz she might of eaten some thing that can harm her !!!

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