
Found my missing cat but...?

by  |  earlier

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I found my missing cat (missing for 6 weeks) last night about 20 miles from my house - he responded to his name and let me get close enough to touch him, i managed to grab him but the bugger clawed me than jumped over a 7ft wall into someones back garden. I kept calling his name, he responded but wouldnt come to me...any ideas how to get him back?




  1. hmm maybe cat got wild! contact the garden he entered I mean ring on their door maybe they found your cat and kept it!

  2. I am sorry about your kitty.  But glad to know he is still alive.  Do not give up hope.  Talk to everyone around and leave them papers with your name, number, cat's description etc...  

    Also notify your local shelters and animal hospitals in case someone turns him in there.  

    Don't be to angry that he scratched you.  He was probably just startled.  

    Definitely keep going back there and be patient - use food etc..

    And when you do get him - have a vet check him over.  Get him tested for leukemia/aids for sure.  

    Best wishes, I am sure we are all pulling for you.

  3. speak to the locals in that area, ask them to call you if they trap him in their garage. You can usually get cat traps from the local authorities which is a wire cage you leave some food in and the door shuts behind him. I would make him an indoor cat when you get him back and give him a Feline AIDS/Leukemia test at the vet to make sure he's OK

  4. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad your cat is okay. Leave food out for him, he's probably quite hungry. Maybe leave a blanket, carrier, or any familiar object that he can recognize (he'll be able to smell it and realize that your house is his home). He's probably not far away and I'm sure he knows where his home is. Keep calling, whistling, and clicking for him. I'd guess that very late at night or early in the morning would be the best time. Notify your friends and neighbors that he is missing, so they can keep an eye out for him. I hope everything turns out alright and please keep us posted.

  5. Stand outside his window with a boombox and win him back John Cusack style

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