
Found old pot from dad, what do i do?

by Guest10725  |  earlier

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its just stems and seeds, found it in his closet in an old camping bag with some cigarette paper. I know he doesn't smoke now because his job has random drug tests, I'm thinking that i shouldn't say anything to him, do you think thats a good idea?




  1. Put it back where you found it.  You shouldn't have been nosing around.  

    I wouldn't tell him about it until you're out on your own.  Next time, keep your nose in your own business.

  2. What were you doing snooping through your father's closet and belongings? Shame on you. You shouldn't say anything to him. You're not in charge of him; he's in charge of you. You don't tell your father what to do.

    And if you know what it is you found, then you know that pot really isn't a dangerous drug. Your dad is an adult and he can make his own choices.

    If you were my kid and snooping through my belongings, I'd read you the riot act.

  3. TJ:

    He forgot it was in there, or he would have used it or given it away by now.

    Throw away the pot, wash out the backpack and get on with your life.

    Silence is golden.

    Be well.

  4. You had no business going through his things to even find it.

  5. People should give you a break, sheesh, you could have been looking for camping equipment or something. If that's the case, and you think your dad would understand and not get mad, I think it would be nice if you told him. Sort of give him a heads up so that he'll be more careful in the future to get rid of stuff that could get him in trouble, even if he doesn't use it anymore.  

  6. Did you know he smoked before? Or is this a surprise to you?

    How can you recognize seeds and stems unless you've seen it before. I know I would have been clueless. Guess that depends on your age too.

    Just file it away in your mind. It might explain his reactions to you sometimes. Like if he assumes you were out smoking weed remind your self...he's reflecting his past on me (that ones from personal experience).

  7. Yeah, you shouldn't. why does it matter anyway? it's better than cigarettes (for your health a least).

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