
Found out I have pre-cervical cancer since may,have been bleeding for whole month?

by Guest61081  |  earlier

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its been really light but weird, i have no insurance tell end of october so i cant go to the doctor but i am worried can anyone help me, i no if your stressed you can have weird periods but im not stressed at all, tell this happened, I've beed depressed for a couple months but I don't know if thats what would do it. It has to do with the pre-cervical cancer right?




  1. i just went through this.  i had a colposcopy to biopsy my cervix.  it came back precancerous.  the proceedure needed can be done in office if the cells haven't spread too far.  mine, unfortunately, were at a level 3 which means they had to come out immediately and covered almost my entire cervix.  i had a same day surgery called a LEEP where they scraped my cervix to open up new healthy cells.  i went back within a week and was told they didn't get it all.  so i was scheduled for a ssecond surgery called a COLD KNIFE CONE.  again, same day so i was only out for a few hours.  now ihave to go in every 3 months to make sure the cells aren't regrowing and they got it all.  it's scary, but so long as you keep on top of it, your chaces of it turning into cancer are slim.  you need to look up a breast and cervical health program in your area.  most free womens clinics (or sliding scale type clinics) kno the dangers of this and will refer you to the proper program.  my surgeries and check ups were all free thanks to such a referal program.  the end result is that i probably can't have kids.  so much of my cervix has been scraped away that my walls are too thin and there's not enough left of it to support going full term with a pregnancy.  as far as all your bleeding, i was not told that abnormal bleeding is a normal side effect of this.  i happen to have the cells due to HPV.  HPV is just a silent virus that was found during an abnormal papsmear.  so, you having precancerous cells in your cervix shouldn't be affecting your period.  but in the long run, this is what you have to look forward to.  the healing process is h**l and very messy.  i was off limits from s*x, tampons, etc for 6 weeks after each surgery.  good luck!!!  

  2. It isn't pre-cervical cancer, its pre- cancer of the cervix. Bleeding in a normal finding with pre-cancerous cells. Go to the doctor in October and good luck!

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