
Found out my boss is a registered s*x offender...

by  |  earlier

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, and convicted criminal! But I need the job, what should I do? I researched him just a short time ago, and found public record. He always says that someone is out to get him, but I saw the pics! I just don't know what to do, because I like the job I have, but I work so close to the owner (my boss), I'm afraid that if he is running an operation and while its a legitimate business, there are still people who may fall through the cracks and get done wrong...I don't want to be a part, because my name gets put on things. I had a hard time getting a job, and I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't find another one that is good for me and my kids. What should I do?




  1. Your story is confusing. What exactly are you worried about happening? What do you mean people falling through the cracks and get done wrong? What does his past conviction have to do with this?

    Do you feel sexually harrassed by him? Do you even know what he did to get on the list? Maybe you should rewrite the story/question so someone can actually help you sort this out.

  2. can you give more info on his crimes? there are degrees of "s*x offenders" ... for example: did he get busted for soliciting a prostitute or raping children (BIG difference!).

    just start working immediately on getting another job and jump as soon as you can. polish your resume and try to land something else soon.

  3. what difference does your bosses past make in your job? if the s*x offender registry had ANY effect on the business that would be obvious.

    whatever this person did in the past(IF HE ACTUALLY DID ANYTHING CLOSE TO WHAT YOU CLAIM) is in the past and everyone is allowed and expected to move on from the mistakes.

    you obviously have to much free time on your hands......................

    if you don't want the job find another one and move on. your bosses past is of no concern to you (IF IT IS EVEN TRUE), do not focus on it or worry about it go back to work and do your job.

  4. Are you jumping to conclusions about what he did to become a s*x offender? Did he date a 16 year old girl when he was 18, or did he molest a child. Big difference. If he was convicted for something you don't believe in, leave if you really feel strongly about it. If not, get paid and relax.

  5. Man and I thought I had it bad...stay with what you have but be agressive about finding another job. Don't give up what you have just yet. First off if you are looking then no one can hold what your presently doing against you. Secondly it's always better to be presently employed while you are prospecting. Potential new employers like that. Use it to your advantage.

  6. For right now you have no choice because you need a pay check but,on your off days look for other job opportunities and don't give up something will come through.If you stay at this current job and something goes wrong god forbid you will blame yourself for not leaving.It is never a good situation when you are not comfortable.Best thing pray and pray hard God will help.

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