
Found! pink and grey galah...?

by  |  earlier

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we found him on thursday, she flew into our front yard, and started talking to us. its obviously some ones pet as it talks and dance and allows you to hold him. i already have bird out the back and his with them now. they seem to be getting along fine however we are getting a new one for him now.

i would like to know whats best to feed him? he eats just plain seed at the moment and i've cut up some apple but his not all that interested.

any suggestions?

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  1. Galahs' food needs to be selected and offered with a number of principles and ideals in mind.  The food needs to be fresh and nutritious, free from mold, contamination by mice, rats or other birds, and free from poisons.  The food needs to be offered in such a way and quantity that it will be consumed before it becomes spoiled.  They want the food offered and consumed over a 24 hour period to be nutritionally balanced.  The food should be offered in such a way as to mimic the feeding habits of the birds in the wild. Galahs tend to forage throughout the day and in captivity are very prone to obesity. They therefore should be offered half their daily quota of their seed mix morning and later afternoon and a variety of fresh greens throughout the day. Ad lib feeding of seed may lead to obesity.  The nutritional requirements of Galahs may differ with the time of the year, the breeding and moulting cycles. Extra greens and protein sources may be offered during breeding and moulting.  Galahs are primarily seed eating birds, and ideally would be offered the types of seed they would eat in the wild. However, in practice for convenience and economy, you could feed a limited mixture of introduced seed types.

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