
Found some Yu gi oh and pokemon cards.........

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and want to know how much each are.

I know my Alakazam, Machamp, and Chansey are worth about 14 each but these im having trouble with

Holo Shining Magikarp

reg dragonite

reg sneasel with a black backround

Sabrinas Haunter

Giovanni's Nidoqueen

Japanese Gloom

Holo Magical Hats

Holo Soul Exchange(2 of them)

Holo Card Destruction

Holo Flute of Summoning Dragon

Holo Exchange

Holo Lord of D.

plaese help, couldnt find on the yugico and the pokemon card site.




  1. NOT COOL!!

  2. I dont know about pokemon but when its about yugioh... Its a different story. Lord of D. and Flute of Summoning dragon are pretty cool. 2 Soul Exchange will be like 3 bucks and Lord of D and Flute of Summoning Dragon should is depended on the guy your selling it to. If that guy likes dragons or has dragon deck he could buy it for 10-20 bucks ( if your lucky or you'll get it for maybe 5 bucks). Magical hats should be worth like 2 bucks but if your selling it to a guy that  has Maginian Deck he should buy it for 5 bucks.

    I didnt really get what holo meant..



         Hope this helps.

  4. write each one in google or toywiz .com and then normally it will show the prise  

  5. thoses r lik really old..not cool anymore dude

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