
Found some pics on My Received Files folder...dont remember receiving them, is there a virus out there

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I was going thourgh my files and found some pics i do not recall in My Received files there a virus or something out there that can upload files to your folders without your knowledge....funny thing is i received pics of the same person, they were some what pornographic in nature.




  1. If you dont remember downloading them dont even bother checking them I have this App its called Picaview where you just right click on the pictures and it will show the pick without a person opening the pic its a safe way  to see what pictures they are and you can also preview movie files before opening them I use it alot  and it just helps me 1 more way to avoid trojans or viruses.Its made by ACD Systems GOOD LUCK even

  2. Dont know about that but I got a email this morning that said " Micheal Jackson Dead"when I opened it I got a threat detected warning. You can look out for that one

  3. BEWARE! these files can be dangerous to your pc so stay away!

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