
Found something in a skip today - what is it??

by  |  earlier

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It had a large glass case covering it but the wood at the sides was rotting badly so I didn't take it. Does anyone know what it is? The 'S' shaped things sticking up bend easily.




  1. I think it could have been a Morse code transmitter or receiver (or both maybe). All I am going by though are ancient ones I've seen on TV.

  2. it might be one of them real old phones they used back in the day, but the back of it if you get me.

  3. It's a bell system, so one can call a servant

  4. In old country house that would have hung in the servants quarters each one of the coil represents a different room, when the bell rings for the room service is required.

  5. Philip h is correct.

    Not worth much as it is incomplete.

  6. it is against the Law to take anything out of a skip that's what they told me x

  7. It is an old bell thing to ger servants to come up to a room.

    You should see how much it is too sell.

    You could get alot of money for it

    And can i ask why were you goin through a skip?

  8. its a morse code paddle, for communicating in the old morse mode

  9. Old servants bell.  The people of the house would ring the servants area in the house and the servants would know where they were by which of the bells were ringing.  (Each bell would be named after the relevant room)  

    As to worth - I'm not sure what it's worth.  Also not many people would want it.  But if you're interested in getting rid of or selling it contact people that are restoring old houses or even a reclamation yard and see if they'd be interested in it.

  10. as others have said, it is a device for summoning one's servants. One would press a button conveniently near one's chair causing the bell to ring and the one of the coils to operate an indicator so the servant would know exactly whih room in the house one was in. One could then shout at the servant or order them to carry out some menial task without rising from your deeply upholstered chair.

    Don'cha have one in your mansion, old bean?

  11. its an old alarm!!!

    it might be pricey

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