
Found wasp nest in garbage can, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have found a few very tiny paper wasp nests, one hanging in doorway - but think it was from previous year. I just sprayed it because nothing was around it at the time. Then I found one in my propane grill so I turned the grill on and let them fly figure out they couldn't come back. HOWEVER, I just found a bigger one in my garbage can. Ok, lesson learned to keep the lid on, but what do I do now? Should I just put the lid on and leave it until winter? or should I spray it at night time? Any suggestions - serious suggestions?




  1. I would very quietly walk up with a running hose, lay it over the edge, and then turn and run....

  2. You don't have to kill them all, just turn the lid over leave it outside, by morning they will be gone.  

  3. you do understand that they are doing you a favor ,eating caterpillars off your cabbages,killing flys ,mosquitoes ,other pests,plus they are not aggressive ,left alone they won't sting. live and let ,..........or....if you must ,place the can out in the sunshine covered it will soon be too hot and they will die ,you can then remove the nest...........they really are not that dangerous......tom

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