
Foundation Trusts - good or bad?

by Guest44554  |  earlier

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New Labour are planning on making all NHS Trusts "Foundation Trusts". This will mean that hospitals will be competing for each other for patients and will operate more like a business. Do you think that this is a good idea, or will it lead to the break up and eventual privatisation of our health service?

Do you think that one day we will be left with an American system, whereby those who can't pay or don't have medical insurance don't get treatment?

Do you think that New Labour is betraying any last vestiges of principles it may still have?

The Tories voted against the NHS when it is was formed in 1948. They are right behind Labour's policies now.




  1. I doubt if Nye Bevan would approve!!

  2. Andrew, I am sorry to say that I agree with your depressing outlook.

    My GP and I agree on the point that both Labour and Conservative parties want to privatise the health service.

    By making hospitals compete against each other and increasing patient choice will continue to further damage our health service after overzealous target setting.

    By rewarding the hospitals that are doing well and penalising the hospitals which are struggling, will only incerease the gap between good and bad hospitals.  Closing down the poorer hospitals and increasing the size of the better hospitals will develop "super hospitals" meaning that getting good quality care locally will be more difficult.

    Hospitals are a public service and cannot be run as a business.  By Labour's policy of Public Private Partnership (PPP), our health care is increasingly in the hands of money-grabbing companies.  With money-grabbing companies having more patient share and power, the bill for the government will be hugely increased and the Labour government will have more arguments for scrapping our health service on the grounds of it being too expensive for the taxpayer.

    I want, and believe that most UK citizens want, good health services locally more than patient choice.  I want to know that the hospital near me is good and clean, rather than having to choose a good and clean hospital miles away.

    I fear that if our electorate continue to support Labour and Conservative parties, we will very soon end up with the American system.  Gosh, kill me now!

    I am happy to her that you share my concerns.



  3. A bad idea.  

    First of all, more competition leads to a more inefficient health service.  Bizzare I know, but in order to compete, you have to provide services that are being provided elsewhere.  Next, if you succeed in competing, you drive the other provider 'out of business' which is a waste of the resources of that provider.

    I work in the health service.  Most patient do not want choice.  They want good local services.  What is the point of having choice for your hip operation, if it ends up in you having an operation 50 miles away from your local hosptial, with no one coming to visit you because it is too far away?

    You are right, Labour and the Tories are insane in trying to move to a US model of healthcare, when the USA has an even more inefficient system than we have!  Look at the money spent in the US on healthcare PER PERSON, and the life expectancy there and the death rates for kids aged under five!

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