
Foundations that donates to nonprofits?

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I need funding for a non profit a development center for kids ages 10-18.




  1. I would suggest that you first check to see if there are any other agencies in your area that are trying to do anything similar; starting a nonprofit can be an arduous task to say the least, and the more established agencies always get more and better funding.  Also to consider is that an established agency will already have a structure in place so you don't have to reinvent a wheel they already have set up.  That being said, if you're still determined to strike out on your own, go to and check them out.  Their whole reason for being is to help people start, run and fund nonprofit agencies.  They have online courses as well as ones to do in person and they have centers all over the country, so there may be one close enough to you.  Most of their classes are free and at the location here in Cleveland, the staff is very friendly and helpful.

  2. Does your nonprofit exist, or is this something you want to start?

    If the former, then go to your board of directors -- they should be the main fundraisers for your organizations, through their own donating and their own networking and outreach activities. You should also have plenty of opportunities for your city's largest employers and local businesses to come onsite and see your excellent work FIRST HAND. If they see results, they will donate. You need to have written records, posted on your web site and available to any potential donor, that attest to your organizations financial management and credibility, showing how all money is spent and what the results are of your efforts.

    If the latter, you need to start with putting your organization together -- forming a board of directors, putting together a strategic plan and goals for the next five years that shows how you will deliver services effectively, a monitoring and evaluation system, etc. Your board of directors and others who believe in your organization should then decide how much they themselves are willing to donate financially to make this happen. And THEN they can start approaching area businesses about supporting this effort. More info at regarding how to form a nonprofit organization.

  3. Try  

    They have foundations that help non profits.  

    You can also talk to local business to get help.  Hold a silent auction.  Go onto Ebay and sign up with mission fish.  So that others can help you also.

  4. try the united way

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