
Founder in Horses?

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Founder in Horses?




  1. I'm not sure what your question is.  Founder, or laminitis, is the bane of horse owners and the destroyer of many fine horses.  

    These are some websites with information about founder:

    My Arabian had to be euthanized last year at the age of 24 when he foundered after a series of colic attacks.  It's heartbreaking to lose a horse to this, but when it strikes there is frequently nothing you can do.  Founder can make you feel completely helpless-- you know what it is, what causes it, the mechanism in the body that causes the damage;  and yet even with early treatment by the finest and most knowledgeable vets in the country, you can lose your horse to it.  

    If Barbaro's death accomplished one thing, it was to increase awareness of the need for further research and study of laminitis.  I would like to  believe that before too much more time has passed, veterninary medicine will be able to offer an effective treatment for laminitis at the earliest detection, before permanent damage occurs.

  2. Founder, you didn't state what you were looking for in regard to it.

  3. Welcome brand new YA person, what is you'r question? You can modify your answer to include some details.Suggstions:try link  very informative.


    What are laminitis and founder?

    What are the signs of laminitis and founder?

    Is my horse at risk for laminitis and founder?

    What causes laminitis and founder?

    Helping the horse with laminitis and founder

    Treatment for laminitis and founder

    Preventing laminitis and founder

    Natural ways to help your horse with laminitis and founder

    Technical information on Laminitis & Founder for vet


    luck! I hope you do not have a foundered horse or pony.

  4. We had a mare who foundered after eating too much spring grass, but with some Bute and getting her to stand in water (one of our pastures has two spots where water stands all summer, from melted snow and heavy rainfall), she recovered.  Hope that helped, although I don't know what your question really was...

  5. Founder in horses is a devastating, painful disease. Founder is a severe form of laminitis ( ) . Laminitis involves a deterioration of a supportive structure holding the bones of the hoof in place. If not treated early, the main bone in the hoof can drop through the sole of the hoof.

    I had a horse founder. She had chronic founder, and would get better, then get bad, and get better again. It seemed she had beat the disease, but unfortunately she colicked. It was a huge tragedy. We tried many treatments for founder, including corrective shoeing. It turned out the best treatment was having her barefoot, and to have the veterinarian do the trims.

    As tragic as Barbaro's situation was, at least it brings laminitis to the forefront for research, and hopefully through his loss, he will help to save millions of horses with the donations he recieved.
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