
FountainHead by Ayn Rand?

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For any of you who read the book. Did you like it. What do you think about it?




  1. Read The Fountainhead once.

    Sort of hated Dominique Francon and branded her idiotic, understood Howard Roark.

    Read it again.

    Loved it.

    I'm not a big fan of Ayn Rand's other books (namely Atlas Shrugged) but this is one of my favourites.

    It's true she tends to - preach on excessively about her philosophy in most books (which I really hate) - but in this it's all good. Nothing excessive or overbearing and neither bland or boring.

    All of the characters seemed very 'understandable'. None of them seemed - utterly idiotic and nonsensical and incredibly unrealistic. Howard Roark was one of my favourite characters, naturally.

    She made architecture seem like - something unreal - very - earthly and powerful. Heh. I was tempted to go forth and build on cliffs to 'proclaim the purpose for which it had been waiting'.

    Quite a bit of perspectives and struggles (heck - even love is given some sort of beastly fierce colour) and tiny humanity and cold reasons and a lot lot lot of 'individualism' (man, the 'perfect man', man great, man good)...

    It's been a while since I read it, but it's incredible in its own special way, isn't it?  

  2. I recently read the Fountainhead and I loved it.  It took me a long time to get through (I started it before I started studying for AP tests, stupidly, so I had to take a break and study).  I loved Howard Roark as a character, he was so strong and true to himself.  It was interesting to see selfishness portrayed as a good thing and altruism being portrayed as bad.  I don't completely agree with everything the book implies, but I enjoyed reading about another perspective.

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