
Four Questions for an atheist...?

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How long are the days in Genesis 1? Why?

How old is the earth and life? Why?

Did man and apes share a common ancestor? Why or why not?

Were Adam and Eve real people? Why or why not?




  1. Kathlene - the question is rhetorical. I would agree that maybe atheists would not believe what is in the Bible. But I think the question is HOW would an atheist answer these questions. I'm not one so I won't answer.

  2. if you're an atheist, then why do you care?

    Nobody knows the answers to these questions except for God so quit trying to draw attention to yourself and asking dumb questions.

  3. How long are the days in Genesis 1? Why?

    The days in Genesis, if you are referring to the mythical creation, do not exist, therefore there are no days

    How old is the earth and life? Why? Millions of years old. WHY - scientific evidence exists to support it.

    Did man and apes share a common ancestor? Why or why not? YES - why- scientific evidence exists to support it.

    Were Adam and Eve real people? Why or why not? Not real - why - because the bible is by and large just a book of myths and there is no evidence to support two modern humans populating the earth. If there is an "Eve" she is millions of years old and hardly resembles us.

  4. Thanks for the two points!

  5. I'm no atheist but I can tell your christian. The reason I think genesis is a little sketchy is because god creates light before the sun...and as we all know when the sun isnt out there is no light. Earth is alot older than the bible talks about and it digs its own hole. In the bible they refer to the earth being flat..I'm not saying anything bad here but the muslums god thinks the earth is round so the christians are nowhere close to getting how old the earth is right. Adam and eve could not have been real people. We have proof that dinosours lived a long period on this earth and in the bible they fail to mention them. We still havnt found the bodies of "adam and eve" and probaly never will. But I do believe that humans evolved from a smaller being and went from there. If you think about it Noah's ark is a fake story too many parts of the bible make no sence. Noah and his family build an ark much bigger than any boat moderm society has ever created in a few months. It is big enough to fit 2 of every SPECIES. there are thousands of  species on the earth, birds snakes everything. Not to mention the food. You can ask any zoo keeper how much food en elephant eats in 1 month and its alot. Thinking one old man and his family can build this great boat out of wood is absolutly insane. Genesis may not seem too fake but if you read the rest of the bible you will relize how things could not have taken place. And this brings us back to the dinosaurs what happened to them on this ark? And the bible mentions to explain why the animals didnt eat each other. This is my opinion I hope I opened your eyes.

  6. Greg, your attempt to get an atheist to answer these questions is rather silly.

    1) an atheist will not believe in Genesis 1, you may have just as well asked a Buddhist to answer that one

    2) The second question is being theorized by science and the answer can have absolutely no bearing on religion whatsoever

    3) You are assuming evolutionary theory is what the atheist believes in, which is not necessarily correct.  There are various theories of how we became who we are and many of which an atheist may subscribe to.

    4) Once again, Adam and Eve are characters which only exist in Christian-based religions.  Any atheist will tell you that this question is completely foolish and irrelevant.

    Now I tend to subscribe to a Christian-based set of beliefs, but I believe that many of the most popular monotheistic religions in the end are worshiping the same power.  I'm not an atheist, but I am giving you the perspective of someone who at least has enough of an education to see how ill-formed this question is.  If your target objective is preaching Christianity you have done just the opposite, you have made us look like fools.

  7. In Genesis it is obvious the days are normal 24 hour days. The morning and the evening of the days are always mentioned, and Billy Graham has proof that 24 hour days are meant. The Earth is over 4,500,000,000 years old. The first traces of life are found in about 3,500,000,000 year old rocks. Humans and apes had a common ancestor. The fossil record shows much proof of that. Adam and Eve, Ask and Embla, etc, are clearly myths, for science shows no such people could have existed.

  8. An atheist wouldnt believe anything in the bible....why are you asking know an atheist doest believe in a higher power right?

  9. 1. No idea. Its doesn't matter because it wasn't real.

    2. 4.6 billion years for earth, 3.5 billion for life.

    3. Yes, we are extremely related with only something like 2 percent difference in our genetic material (chimps and man), not to mention all the obvious phenotypic commonalities.

    4. No. They were made up by people who wrote moral based stories.

  10. -Not a clue on how long the days in Genesis 1 are... I've never read any part of the bible.

    -Don't know how old the earth and life is off the top of my head. Look it up in a science book or something.

    -Apes are man's ancestor. We evolved from them.

    -Adam and Eve were not real people. They were made up. Just like everything else in the bible. Religion is nothing but a acceptable cult by society. Now let me ask you why?

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