
Four at a four way stop???

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I understand for the most part how a four-way stop works. BUT if all four cars get there at the same moment, how do you know who is on the RIGHT? lol all of the cars would be to the right of another car...sooo how would you decide who has right-of-way. theres a stop next to my school where this happens all the time because it gets so busy.




  1. usually someone will motion for someone else to go... or someone just may go first.  you never know in that situation.

  2. i live in texas so i do not know the law where you live,but here it is same " the one on your right" has the right of way ,but in your case if there was a wreck the person that is the furthest in the intersection would not be at fault.

  3. you could either just go, or wave for someone else to go.

  4. If two or more vehicles arrive at an intersection at once and the yield-to-the-vehicle-on-the-right rule (or some other factor) does not decide right-of-way, we simply need to impose a scheme that assigns movement priorities that is straightforward and clear to all.

    I suggest assigning priorities to each vehicle position in a clockwise fashion, since vehicles normally yield to the vehicle to the right in case of ties.

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