
Four cars approach an intersection with a four-way stop, after the first two proceed, who has the right of way

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Four cars approach a four-way stop: Car A from the north, B from the east, C from the south, D from the west. Car A and C both arrive first at the intersection simultaneously, Car D arrives next and Car B arrives last; all cars arrive at the intersection within 1 second of each other.

Car A and C proceed straight through the intersection (heading south and north, respectively) while B and D wait. Car B is going straight (proceeding west) and Car D is making a left turn (turning north). Once Cars A and C have cleared the intersection, who has the right of way between B and D?

Please name your source and what state you live in.




  1. It's a four-way stop.  The person who stopped first goes first, second, second, third, third and fourth, fourth.  It dosent matter which direction they are going in.

  2. If I am in "D", I would proceed immediately after A and C clear the intersection...If B starts to move at the same time as me, I would yield to B since I would be turning across on-coming traffic...If all drivers work together and go in sequence, the intersection would be clear in less than 10 seconds.

  3. Doesn't matter the state.

    Common rule, the flow through the stop sign goes counter clockwise.

    So always the person to your right goes first.

    Follow the flow of traffic at the stop....................

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