
Four days late, third month on clomid 50 mg, neg preg test. Could I still be preg?

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When should I test again or should I just go see my ob/gyn?




  1. If you still haven't gotten your period in a few days, you either didn't ovulate when you thought you did or you are pregnant.  To put your mind at ease, buy those dollar store pregnancy tests and keep testing every morning.  Goodluck and baby dust to you!!!

  2. Yes!  I had a blood test at that point, in my pregnancy, and it was negative!  My baby's 3 years old now!  Good luck. Test again.

  3. Are you sure when you ovulated? The only reason I ask is that Clomid is notorious for delaying ovulation, which might mean that your cycle got bumped back a few days, which is why you're late. Also, some women don't get a BFP for many days and even weeks after AF is late. I'd keep testing. Good luck!

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