
Four men were in a boat on the lake...?

by Guest66939  |  earlier

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The boat turns over, and all four men sink to the bottom of the lake, yet not a single man got wet! Why?




  1. cos they all did....or...... it was in dry dock

  2. because there was no water in the lake

  3. they were all g*y

  4. they are all married

  5. They were all in wetsuits or deep water diving gear

  6. In a boat, not on a boat, hmm ?

    Were they trapped in an air pocket when the boat turned over ?

    No wait a minute, the boat wouldn`t of sunk if there was a pocket of air. oh i give in . (i seem to have no inner monologue)

  7. the lake was dry

  8. There were no single men in the boat?

  9. they was no water in the lake

  10. they were in a submarine

  11. Because they were all married, not single.


    Because they were in a submarine.

  12. BECAUSE they were like, sticking to the floor of the boat, yeah, and so the air was still there. like, watch pirates of the caribbean when capt. jack does that to escapeeee!!

    WOOP. I WIN!!


  13. because there where in a submarine.

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