
Four months and not pms'ing?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm 23 years old, and I was taking birth control when I was with my boyfriend. We broke up, and I thought 'hey no need for this anymore, I'm free!" and stopped taking the stuff, and promptly got my period the next day. (Took the Yaz pill)

After that four months later, I have moments where I start to get cramps for two days among other usual signs of about to pms in two or three days...but nothing happens.

It's been cool though, because I've been permanantly relaxed (its been impossible to anger me no matter the situaton) and nothing stresses me (Even my friends are alarmed at how laid back I've become and made mention). But now I'm starting to wonder what's going on down there? as cool as I feel I'm starting to wonder if the bcp's messed me up, or have I been impregnated by GOD, or what the heck is going on down there? anyone know about this occurance?




  1. This is called OCP induced amenorrhoea, basically if you have been taking the pill for awhile, when you stop, your period stops. Its normal for up to six months (and fairly common)!

    A friend of mine had this for a year - she had to take a different type of contraception to basically kick start her periods again. But as i said - dont worry about it until its been about six months, then go and have a chat with your doctor if you are still concerned!

  2. maybe its because you broke up w/ your man. no stress, but did you say your having cramps and no blood??? thats weird. how long were you on yaz??? Im actualy starting yas as soon as my . starts. did you like it were the side effects good or bad, bloating acne, mood swings (while you were on it) give me a little more info and i can try to help you out. :)

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