
Four more years of Bush? Is this all you got?

by  |  earlier

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It's your #1 song but sooner or later you're going to need some substance.




  1. Ummm . . . fail. I don't think you've been listening.

    /If you stink at life, thumbs down me please.

  2. "Four More Years Of Bush"

    Is that the title of a new horror movie?

  3. Noticed, Bush finally had his parents at his side since life is getting easier for them since he is getting out of trouble.

    I really like the former President and his wife and felt so sorry for them when the now President Bush said that he would not get advise from his father but from a higher power.

    Boy did he get wrong advise and we have to suffer for it.

    Time for change.  

  4. Some people know what has been going on and are not on substance and have had enough.  No thanks its more then enough , I know when enough is too much  

  5. why don't you join the military and let mccain send you to fight the wrong country and get killed u moron.

  6. Well, what about Palin?  Has she offered any substance?  Last night I tuned into ther speech, to only find that she had nothing else to say other than, I am a hockey mom, I love my husband, Obama is not ready to lead, oh, and John McCain is what we need.  It was all about herself, belittling Obama, and trying to make John McCain seem like a real winner in this election.  Now to answer your question, I do believe John McCain is more of the same, because he did vote for over 90% of Bush's policies and bills.  However you need to look at this thing two fold.  Not only did Palin not deliver in her speech last night, but we still do not know anything about her.  So I ask you do you really want a VP or a president that is just the same as what we have had?  

  7. They seem to be missing the real message of No New Taxes and Cut Taxes.

    I was going over Obama's plans last night with my niece (civics homework) when I picked up on something I had missed before. Part 1- Windfall Tax on the Big Oil companies= billions in revenue and Part 2- Invest in New Energy Resources= billions in grants. Now the part I find interesting is that it is the Big Oil companies that are poised to be the new Energy Developers. So once again it is nothing but a big shell game and the pea is the supposed rebate checks Obama has promised to share generated by the windfall tax. I think Palin is already onto it, after all she's worked on both sides of the fuel biz.

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