
Four weeks pregnant and im 17.. ?

by Guest66512  |  earlier

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im religious and dont want any response along the lines jesus loves everything that lives, you are killing an innocent being etc, i have enough faith in my religion to understand that noone who loves me would hate me, or be dissapointed in me for making a choice that i feel is best for me.

Now, i definately want an abortion, i have decided on that and my boyfriend is supportive in whatever i chose. i have chosen tht because i am so young (btw we were using protection) and i doubt i could support it, also adoption not an option.

My main dilema is chosing what to do, either medical or sugical, since im not very far along, i would like to chose the option that is best for me, health wise, ie its less likely to cause any injury or have really bad side effects, and time wise.

Please dont write any religious nonsense, or anything saying i am making the wrong choice, im asking for ppl who know about either option to shed a little light, on length of time before recovery and option that is at a smaller risk of pain/damage etc.




  1. Call your local places to find this out. Abortion is MURDER. Your killing a life and all your worried about is the pain you'll feel???? Or damage????

  2. You've been watching too much TV. Ok "Adoption is not an option" look if you think taking away a life is the right thing to do then do it its your choice.

    Good Luck

  3. im sorry but if your wanting abortion i wouldent post it in here, it will upset alot off people..

  4. Wow all these pro-lifers are insistent aren't they?

    Life starts at birth, it's as simple as that.

    I am proudly pro-choice, as with logical deduction it's the only way a rational intelligent person can come to feel about the subject.

    Your best bet is to talk with a doctor about this. They can give you options and steer you in the right direction. As it's still early, there is probably a medicinal route that can be taken, with less drastic effects on your body.

    Whichever route you go, I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you have a great support network of family and friends to help you through this.

  5. abort it...its not murder trust me ur life will be easier if u dont have it

  6. The guilt will live with you forever if you do this.  

  7. Do whatever you think is best..... But having an abortion will haunt you for the rest of your life. Thinking what your baby would of been doing right now ( If i hadnt of killed it,  Thinking of MYSELF ONLY ) .. Im 17 too, And 18 weeks pregnant.. I cant support a child... But guess what.... Im goona Try my f****** best !!! My family LOVE ME and will SUPPORT ME.. And thats all i need. Im also with my boyfriend who is great and always there. Abortion is wrong. Well, 2 me i think so.

    If u keep your baby, then good luck.

    if u abort.. then shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. These people are annoying. ITS NOT A BABY YET!! Its just a cell in your body!! Its your desision!! Do your parents know? They could probably help you. If telling them is not an option, you and your boy friend coould go to the conulser at your school (?), they haave free phamphlets! Good luck! Yoy are very brave!

  9. ull reget it and if u and ur bf r so mature u would do the right thing and keep it dont have s*x if u cant deal with the consences and ur not too young i seen worse lil girl  

  10. I am not going to tell you what to do, but I will tell you that I've had to counsel a lot of girls who have gone through abortion and every single one of them regretted their decision. They live with constant guilt - they can't take it back. I also know girls who have chosen adoption and not one of them had any regrets - they chose the families and it was open (so they could still see the baby).

    You need to research abortion further before you make a decision. Abortion has emotional and physical risks. Some girls cannot get pregnant again due to a complication. Some have hemorrhaged and died. It's rare, but it can happen. The people providing abortions are in it for the money - it is a business. You are a number to them and you are paying them. It's not like an OB who is forming a relationship to you and cares about your well-being.

    Think about this - you love your boyfriend and you love your family members. This is your child, no matter what you tell yourself. Really make sure you know what you're doing - it will affect you for the rest of your life whichever decision you make.


    That article will explain the differences between surgical and medical abortion. As long as you think you are making the right choice for yourself (and it sounds like you are), you will be fine.

  12. You may never recover.  Many women are psychologically scarred for life after an abortion.  

    I wish adoption was an option for you - It breaks my heart to read about kids having abortions on this site.

    No matter which way you do it, there are generally bad side-effects.  Often people who have abortions find themselves unable to get pregnant again because it throws off their body's abilities.  I have a good friend who had an abortion in high school and she's had four miscarriages and she's now in her late 30s with no kids.

    I just wanted to give you a heads up on this stuff - know what you're getting your body into by killing the baby.

    Can you face that?  Killing a baby?

    No - this isn't religious mumbo-jumbo.  Yes, I know you don't want to hear this.

    Life deals us a fast ball sometimes and what you do as a result shows character and strength.  

  13. dude 3 months ago you just had an abortion what is wrong with you stop having s*x.

  14. I know, dont listen to any of thoser idiculous comments that say abortion is murder, honey , i had  a baby at 19, DO NOT HAVE  A BABY, its hard work, i love my son but i miss my youth alot and im not even 17. You wll want to go out at 18 if you live in australia. Live your life, i think surgically is better since you know the outcome is exactly precise and they really clean you out. you must feel so alone, but make sure you have the support. I have had an abortion, and its not bad. I think your making the right decision, and by the way, abortions dont orevent you from having any other babies when your older, I got pregnant twice after having an abortion, but i was 15. be brave, its not bad, just take the medicine so it  puts you to sleep..even if ur religous.  

  15. Sweetie, you are not a murderer, and you do not have to justify yourself to anyone.

    I have my own opinion on Abortion however i also live by the motto, "to each his own" and let's be honest here i doubt there is single person alive today who has not done something at least once in their life that they are not proud of, everyone makes mistakes honey. EVERYONE!

    If you want my opinion, I would contact a Dr & discuss your options. Be honest & open about your concerns. You really need a qualified, professional medical opinion. Maybe talk to a few Dr's. I'm not sure but i think they can also refer you to a counsellor to help you deal with your feelings.  

    I wish you all the best, i really do. It is a big decision to have to make at such a young age.

    Good luck.


  16. About a year ago i had an abortion, i opted to go with the medicine, one it was cheaper and i could do it in the comfort of my home. But after the experience if ever i had to do it again i would defiantly go for the surgery. The process was painful, and made me very very ill feeling for hours, after the embryo came out the pain went down considerably. i was fine for a while but the sharp uncomfortable pain kept coming back, what they neglect to tell you when you have this type of an abortion is that yes the embryo comes out and then it could take a few weeks for the small after birth and all the other stuff developed in there to come out, with surgery its all at once and not as painful due to the anesthesia. I come from a very religious family who wouldnt except this sort of thing but no one should ever tell you how you feel about your decisions especially one that will affect you for the rest of your life  and am happy that you are strong enough too see life for its complications

  17. As long as you have support from your b/f is supportive of your decision and you've done research regarding your decision you are entitled to do what you feel necessary. It is your RIGHT to choose what to do. Regardless of what anyone here thinks, including myself.

  18. So you just pick and choose what part of your religion to believe in?  Adoption is an option, in fact I went to high school with a girl who got pregnant during her senior year and chose that route. It takes a strong women to be able to do that and selflessly give the baby a chance at life with a family who will love and care for them, not selfishly kill it. Your child may not be technically or medically considered a baby yet but that "Mass of cells" is life and in the next week or so will have a beating heart. If you chose to have an abortion I hope you go the medical route and have to face the embryo you chose to coldly expel out of your body instead of protecting and nurturing it like a mother should. You are 17, more than old enough to face your responsibilities instead of running from them and cowardly choosing a way out.  

  19. this is not the place to talk about abortion

    it offends a lot of people. and you will be offended too.

    but wait... i will say one thing...

    you make your own choices. thats what it's all about. i am not going to tell you what to do or judge either.

    but im just warning you, it's not a joke when people say that you will live with guilt and regret, maybe even for the rest of your life. women suffer from post traumatic stress disorder and need mental help. they deal with depression and anxiety too.

    make your own decision... but your not going to be happy afterwards, i doubt it.

    good luck

  20. For what it's worth.. I think your making the right choice.  I can't offer too much information... it's been years so who knows what it is like now.  I took two of my friends for their abortions when they were in their early 20's.  It was surgical.. one of them is still single, but no complications and health.  The other one has gone on to get married and have three children, so no health problems there either.  Going to a Dr is the only thing I can think of.  Good luck to you.

  21. if u are 17 and ur bf supporting u all the way,then u both decided what u want,u can keep it but free life will be gone,or just get rid of it,u sound like a religion person,but ur choice god will accept what u do

  22. I think medical will be better for you if you're so set on it because surgery is quite a difficult thing to go through and could be more life threatening. Personally I would talk more about it with my boyfriend. If he will support you whatever that suggests that he would like to have a child with you, but understands if you don't want one just yet.

  23. First of all, I do believe if you are under 18 you need parental permission to have an abortion.

    I'm just curious, you can message me if you want, but why isn't adoption an option?  You would really refuse a perfectly good baby to a loving couple who wanted a one?  That just seems a little deny life just because you don't want to give up something that's yours.

    You would be surprised at how easy it is to support a just takes some effort on your part.  Yes, school and college and work will be a little more challanging for you, but I'm guess you are strong and capable enough to handle it.  Yes you are young, but if you are "so young", why are you having s*x to begin with?  If you deem yourself a kid and therefore use the logic that kids shouldn't be having kids, I think you also should be thinking that kids shouldn't be having s*x.  Then you want to turn around and use the logic that your old enough to drive, old enough to be having s*x......well, if you are old enough for that, you are old enough to deal with the responsibilities of your choice of having s*x.

    I am totally against abortion as a form of birth control.  You really want to prevent the outcome of this pregnancy because it's not conveinient for you?  Do you think your mom ever felt at times you were not convienient?  I'm sure she did, but I also bet she never gave up on you.  Babies are never convienient, no matter how old you are or where you are at in your life.

    Abortion only makes the baby dissapear, but it does not erase what's happened, or the emotions you will carry for the rest of your life.  You should google an image of a 4 week old fetus so you truely understand what you are chosing to do.  Is a 2 year old child less important than a 21 year old adult, just because he/she isn't as developed?  Than why would you assume that a 4 week old fetus is less valuable than a full term baby?  You have an amazing gift growing inside of you.  If you don't want the responsibility of being a young mother, than give the baby a chance at a life with someone else who will love it and be blessed by it.

    I don't think you are making the "wrong" choice, I just think you are making an uneducated choice based on the fact that having a baby isn't convienient for you at this time and you don't know what else to do.  

    I have seen an actual abortion and would not reccomend it for any woman/girl to go through.  At your stage in the pregnancy, (you don't really get to choose the method, because there are different techniques depending on how far along you are) you would have an EUE, where the doctor sticks a tube called a cannula into your uterus and sucks out the fetus, placental tissue and part of the lining in your uterus.  Then, you go home the same day and recover.

    Please take the time to think some more, weather or not you want to carry all the emotions from the abortion for the rest of your life, or would you rather give your baby a chance with a loving family?  Aren't you glad you were given the chance to live?

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