
Four-year-old Beatrice would get only £35,000 a year?

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I'm gutted and am thinking about asking Heather's charity for a payout. I don't have 24million quid and my children certainly don't get 35k each a year to live on in addition to this.

Do you think we can survive????

As someone who campains for 'charity' I think she needs to grow up and see maybe how us 'normal' folk live.




  1. It's disgusting. some people are too greedy and don't know when they have it good and are lucky.

  2. I wouldn't want any of Heather's Millions nor her daughter's £35,000.

    At least we can go out of our front door, say hello to people we meet in town.  Stop of somewhere for a bite to eat or drink, without the Reporters jostling us about. Without the media watching our every move.

    We can hold our heads up high in the knowledge that what we have, we have earned and worked for!

    Our children wont cry because they cannot have £35,000 per annum pocket money or have to travel at the back of the plane or train!

    I know who I would rather be!  just poor old me!

  3. that's more than most of me mate earn..and there doing okish

  4. felt so sorry for Beatrice

    She deserves at least £150,000 a year - her dad can aford it and she needs to be kept in the luxury at which her dad can provide her

    - i recon Macca will suplument the 35k anyway

    24 million was a bit of a wierd number - dont think she deserves a penny cuz shes selfish - but Heather mills probably should of got £5,000,000 for every year they were married (£30 million)

    dont think the author of this question quite understands how high class money works

  5. ive loved the bit where heather said that beatrice will fly b class , while daddy flys a class.


  6. That woman makes my blood boil!!! She demanded 100M more than she was given. Paul McCartney had offered 20M which I think is far too generous to begin with!

    She was on TV a while ago saying how she did sooo much charity work and completely annonymously(!) HOW CAN IT BE ANONNYMOUS????? YOU JUST TOLD EVERYONE ON NATIONAL TV YOU STUPID......WOMAN!!!!!!!!

    I'll stop before I break the keyboard...hmm too late...

  7. Words fail me,,,almost,I think I might just survive but not near her,,

  8. she's blessed.some families live off less than that.

  9. A case for top rate taxes I think maybe 99.9%. Greed bi*ch!

  10. I couldn't agree with you more - sad cow !

  11. its disgustin, they oughta try livin on £60 a week or missing the beer-off closing time when you run out of milk or things. and the worst of all they'll both be making more money from the publicity.

  12. Only £35000??

    Cor isn't that just the most terrible thing you have heard....that's almost child abuse/neglect that will poor Heather cope with that paltry amount?

    Seriously....I don't get irate much but I could quite happily, and without feeling, just keep punching her in her nasty face until I just got so tired I couldn't go on...then I'd have a rest and start again....

  13. it's a shame isn't it, looks like little beatrice will be getting her clothes from asda from now on then !  god she's a stupid *****, why should she get anything, paul should provide for his daughter and that is it, it's all wrong.

  14. Sad isn't it?  I've never earned £35000 like many other people.  She should get off her box. She is so up her own ar.. it is unbelievable.  She is a one legged nobody with very grandiose ideas.

  15. She has blown it now for public sympathy.  Ã‚£35k a year???  What happened in the budget?  Ã‚£20 increase in child benefit from April 2009 - shut your mouth Heather !!!  I loathe this woman

  16. 'Only' - scoff!

  17. Tough.@rsehole should've signed a pre-nup.

  18. boo hoo

  19. Compared to my income it's generous, but we're not comparing it to mine. Compared to Paul McCartney's fortune it's chicken feed.

  20. She's made a right show of herself.  Where's all this "I married him for love" business gone now??

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