Alright, i'm planning to buy a fountain pen off the internet, and i'm order one fountain with an ink bottle...
but what if i used up all those ink? i mean, this fountain pen i'm ordering isn't really a name brand, so it'd be hard to find bottle of ink from this company...
so i'm thinking, why not just use parker's or waterman's ink? but i did some research and it says that if u use another company's ink it'll ruin the fountain pen and have the nip blocked by the ink that is not from the company the acutual pen is from...
so what i'm asking is, is this true? is it really this bad and serious?
or can i just use another company's ink with the fountain pen from the other company?
if i do, would it really ruin the pen? block the nip out?
cause i'm planning to buy a really expenisve one, and it'd really make me upset if i broke it just because i used another company's ink